"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, November 24, 2014

First Pictures

Elder Nelson (my companion) and I
Elder Sleight and Elder Gardner (companions). Elder Sleight is a very funny Elder.
District 50 C.
In order of heads. Comps have same number
Elder Bonnie 1
Elder Odell 2
Elder Czarnecki 2
Elder Young 1
Elder Gardner 3
Elder Sleight 3
Elder Sumsion 4
Elder Nelson 4

Season 1: MTC. Episode 1: This Place is Great!!!!‏

Howdy to family, friends, and all others who read this.

Today is my 5th day at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah and I will tell you this place is great! As soon as I walked inside of its campus I could feel the difference. The spirit is so present ALL THE TIME. :D 

Now these emails will be in the words of Elder Sumsion. Not Shakespeares or Mozarts. These will be my words and experiences.

My companion is Elder Nelson! He is so wonderful and awesome! I love him very much. We were first set out to be a trio, but the third Elder has not shown up sadly. Elder Nelson is from Kaysville Utah. He has grown up in Utah all his life in that area. We have many similarites and we get along very well. I have been blessed with such a great first companion and I am very grateful for it. 

Our district is 50 C. We are composed of 8 Elders including me. We met with our Branch President, President Towsey, on thursday night and he gave us our assignments. There will be pictures of our district sent shortly. Elder Nelson and I though have been assigned to be Zone Leaders starting on the 30th of November. We are grateful for this call and are very super duper excited to serve other Elders and Sisters in our Zone and others that will come into the MTC on the 3rd of December.

Our Zone has an interesting make up. We have 50 A that is leaving this week who came in 2 weeks ago. We have 50 B that came in the same day as me and are leaving in 2 weeks, around the 2nd. Then we have 50 C, my district, who got here this week and are leaving in 3 weeks (our estimated date of departure is the 9th). 
Our district is great. We all love each other so much. We are brothers and have a beautiful bond of friendship.

Concerning the MTC, let me say a few things. I will not be able to address every single thing we do as we are kept constantly busy every day. So I will only be able to talk about a few things we do. Another thing is we dont have a lot of time to read emails and respond, so any letters are greatly appreciated. As a result, please dont be offended or hurt if I dont respond to your email. I will do my best to do so though.

All of my days here. except for yesterday, has been a really compact day of going from place to place doing and learning great things. Sunday was so great. I got to take the sacrament and it really was just sacred. Sunday has a great spirit about it that really does fill my soul and prepare me for the rest of the week.
On Sunday 6 Elders went to Choir, including me. I really do love it so much! The spirit is present.

The final thing I really want to mention is that as a district we watched Elder Bednars Christmas Devotional, The Character of Chist. WOW!!!!! It was so amazing!!!!! That talk is so great. If you would like a taste of it read and ponder Mosiah 3:19, Elder Bednar's talk "Converted Unto The Lord," and Jesus character to "Turn outward when the natural man inside of us would turn inward." 

I love you all so much! Pictures are coming soon with me and my district! If you have any specific questions or want to talk to me feel free to write or email. My letter address is on my blog eldercameronsumsion.blogspot.com. That is also where all of these should be posted.

With Sincere Love,
Elder Sumsion.