"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 18: The Finale.

These are pictures taken this morning (this selfie thing is really growing on me :D)

So as my ominous title puts it, today concludes my last week in Kent in the Clark Lake Ward. Transfers are going on and I am moving to the Glacier Park/Lake Wilderness Ward in the Maple Valley Stake. I am still yet to travel there because I am still in Kent typing up emails n' stuff, but I will in about 4 hours.
I am super excited to have that experience that involves a whole bunch of change. Changes ranging from the people I know to the way I travel (Yes, good bye Ishmael (that's what I named our car. Elder Buchanan and Graham named it Midus). This next transfer will be a wonderful time of new experience and growth (physically and spiritually :D).
This week I had a lot of great experiences of teaching by the spirit.
The best way any missionary or person can teach by, is by saying what the spirit prompts him to say (or even do). The spirit is the ultimate teacher because it can prompt you to say things you don't even know that it will have a significant impact. For example somebody could be going through a deep personal problem that is very hard. You don't even know what is going on in that persons life, but some thing you said or felt like you should say is exactly what that person needs to hear. You speak beyond that normal realm of knowledge. That has happened and happens many times to me throughout my life where I have said something that I wouldn't normally have said that affected someone significantly.
One specific experience where that happened this week was when Elder Buchanan were giving a priesthood blessing to some sick members in our ward. When I gave the blessing, I listened (to the spirit) and spoke things that I wouldn't normally say. The spirit guided and directed me to say certain things. I am so very grateful for the guidance and influence to help me know what to say, especially when I have no idea of what to say.
Another experience that deals with teaching by the spirit is recorded in my email I think two times ago. It was the one where I had the realization "this is why I am here."
I hope that made sense. I don't have a lot of time to go back and correct mistakes I make in logic, spelling, or other basic things during my email time. So I am sorry if you ever get lost.
The subject of changing and becoming is so amazing and profound to me. Its where you can take anything in its base form and change it to become something permanently. That happens to anyone who is following Christ and living His gospel. I am most definitely an imperfect person. I have mistakes and flaws. Some of those flaws are just apart of who I am, the current state I am in. But I don't have to stay the way I am forever. Because of Jesus Christ and the Atonement He performed, I change. I can change to become a different person with different habits and mindsets.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the way to the Celestial Kingdom where we can dwell in the presence of our Father and our families for all of eternity. It fulfills Gods purpose of helping us obtain "immortality and eternal life" (Moses 3:19). If you desire to understand and learn more about His gospel, study 2 Nephi 31. His Gospel is Faith, Repentance, Baptism, receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. It is not something though that you apply once and are forever cured of your natural state, it is something to be applied again and again all throughout your life. As was said in General Conference, apply and use it "Every Day, Every Day, Every Day!."
Love you all so much.
A Representative of Jesus Christ,
Elder Sumsion 

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