"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Season 3: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 12: Proverbs 3:5

After this email I will now be labeling the "seasons" according to what transfer I am on (a total of 17) and my "episodes" will be by which week in the transfer I am in.
So this email would be labled "Season 5: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 6: Proverbs 3:5"
I might as well of made it official instead of just doing it haha. I guess that was for those who care.
Anyway this week has been wonderfully fantastic! On Monday night we went by to the Loftus', a part member family, and taught Sister Loftus the restoration. She has accepted the invitation of baptism and we are helping her prepare for baptism! It was so wonderful! When we asked her she said "Yes. That's something that I want." We went by yesterday and had a powerful lesson about The Book of Mormon. Brother Loftus is going to prepare to baptize her which is fantastic! Things are going great on that end and I am so excited that we are able to fulfill our purpose and prepare her to show and exercise faith in Jesus Christ, repent, make sacred covenants with Heavenly Father and to do that for the rest of her life.
On the 4th of July in this mission we treat just like any other day of proselyting and so Elder Wagstaff and I were out talking to people. It was a tough because it seemed no was accepting our invitations and I was getting a little discouraged, disappointed, and frustrated. I didn't want to talk to anymore and I was being very selfish and prideful. As we were biking there was another man afar of in his driveway and I decided I would humble myself and submit my will so I could talk to this man. In talking to this guy Elder Wagstaff and I were able to sit down right there with him and teach him the restoration. That was a wonderful experience for me because Heavenly Father blessed us to find him just when I needed it most. It was most definitely a tender mercy of the Lord.
Transfers are happening today and Elder Wagstaff is leaving Maple Valley. It has been wonderful walking on the trail next to Lake Wilderness with him and I will miss him very much.
Yesterday I received a call from the Assistants to the President and I received word that I am going to be a District Leader Trainer this transfer! That is so intense for me with it both being a first. It could be very overwhelming, but it all depends on how you look at it. I know that President and in turn the Lord have called me to do this and because of that, I know that I can do it. A lot of change and growth is coming to me this transfer. "The Lord doesn't call qualified people, He qualifies those He calls." I am most certaintly the un-qualified, but through a lot of repentance I can become what the Lord wants me to be.
Love you all so much!
Have a wonderful week. Its the half year mark so if you aren't doing well on your new years resolutions now is the time to reevaluate them and recommit. ;D
Elder Sumsion

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