"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, October 5, 2015

Season 8: Glacier Park/Lake Wilderness. Episode 1: Faith in the Work of Salvation.

I brought my camera with me to the transfer meeting and while we were walking around grabbing his luggage (about 15 minutes after we found out we were going to be companions) we took this selfie :D
Elder Jackson is my new companion! He is from Plain City, Utah. (Its nice to get companions from all these different places in Utah that I didn't fully know about before.)
Random information and things about him:
  • He is taller than me like all of my companions since Elder Wagstaff 
  • He likes "hot-dog-a-dillas."
  • He is focused on his purpose
  • He just graduated from High School this year
  • He enjoys general conference
  • He remembers the names of people who we talk to
  • He is focused on the missionary purpose*
*This is my favorite one :D
I am excited to get to work with him this transfer and to be his trainer. He is already teaching me and I am grateful for his example.
One of the greatest lessons I learned from Elder Asper is praying with and that is something I am putting into practice. So we am praying that The Lord will inspire us to find those who are prepared to receive the gospel and for the people prepared to receive the gospel to find us. Both of those things are happening :D
We have had some really cool experiences this week. Both of these are a result from talking with everyone who is placed in our path.
We need to talk to everyone who is placed in our path to find those who are prepared. How could The Lord trust us with His elect if we are not trying to help all of His brothers and sisters. He suffered and died for everyone, so we should talk to everyone.
The first one was a lady named Crystal we met on the Lake Wilderness trail. When we introduced ourselves as missionaries from "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," she wondered why "Jesus Christ" was apart of the name of our church because she thought Mormons weren't Christian. We talked and testified of Him and she asked some sincere questions about why our church is different. As we bore testimony of truths of the restoration she got more curious and she was asking more sincere questions. We didn't have time to teach her right then and there for an hour because we were on a way to an appointment. We mentioned that we needed to go and offered to talk to her later about the restoration. She basically said this, "Okay, does next Friday work at this same time?" Its so amazing because she was honestly wondering and wanted to receive answers. As we have been increasing our faith that there are prepared people "who are only kept from the truth because they know not‍ where to find it" (D&C 123:12), we have been meeting these prepared people. Its as simple as that, when we are being obedient and doing all we can God will bless our efforts. President Eyring talked a lot about that in the talk he gave in Priesthood Session. As we do what we are asked to do, our efforts (which may seem insignificant) and magnified to bless others.
Another experience happened as we bore testimony of what we knew to be true. We were talking to a man named Sean and he wasn't really listening or truly considering what we were talking to him about. He was a God-Fearing man, but he was comfortable where he was at. We felt like we should keep on trying, but he was bringing up these strange things telling us we should research the Hindu religion. We then, not knowing what else to say, told him what we did know. We testified and told him what we knew to be true which was The Book of Mormon. It was amazing to see how he reacted after we bore that powerful testimony because the spirit did touch him. He said "I could really feel the power of God behind what you said there." We challenged him to read it and he accepted a copy. It was great to have been a tool in The Lords hands to touch this mans heart.
I know that when we aren't sure of what say or the answer to a question we can always rely on what we do know. I know the Book of Mormon is true. Even though things that I don't understand happened yesterday or happen today, that is okay. I know The Book of Mormon is true and that this Church is being led by Christ. If you are not yet founded upon these simples truths, that Jesus is our Savior, The Book of Mormon being true, and this Church being the only true and living Church I urge you with all the energy of my soul to become founded on these things. Pray and ask God. Read The Book of Mormon daily sincerely and with real intent and you will discover the truth. And when you finish it, start it again. Your testimony is like a fire. As soon as you stop feeding it, it starts getting smaller. There is no middle ground either your faith is increasing or decreasing.
Love you all. This work is true. Don't be ashamed of the Gospel (2 Tim 1:7-9) and share it. If you have questions how watch President Uchtdorfs talk from the 1st session and ask me or any other missionary you know. We would love to help.
Elder Sumsion
President Uchtdorfs talk
President Eyrings talk in Priesthood Session

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