"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 6: The Carnivorous Birds That Are Over The Ocean‏

Elder Graham and I at Brother Jamias' baptism

Seahawkes themed car that is tall and pretty cool
Transfers are going on today. Elder Graham and I are staying together for this next transfer in the same area. We are excited for this next transfer together, but something will be different...
We are getting another companion! We haven't met him yet, but through the help of science and missionary.lds.org we have found out that it will be an Elder Buchanan. We will be meeting him in about 2 hours from now. I am excited to be in a trio and to have that experience. It will definitely switch things up.
On Sunday Elder Graham and I had a great experience.
It was after church at about 2pm. We only had like an hour and a half to actually be out and proselyting that day due to meetings and other scheduled things. At that time there was a seahawkes game going on.
I haven't talked about it at all, but the seahawkes are a HUGE BIG DEAL in Washington. There is so much seahawkes "swag" (meaning car decorations, house decorations, street advertisements, house décor, clothing people wear, clothing accessories, etc)  all around where I have been. You know how in Provo and Utah Valley how there is a whole bunch of BYU "swag?" Just imagine that x 10 and that's what you have here in Washington. There is so much fandom and the number "12" here in Washington.
Now back to our sponsor haha :D
On Sunday at that time we were walking around trying to meet with a couple of members in an apartment complex called "Arbor Chase" (there are a lot of apartment complexes here and that's where most of our work is). The big seahawkes game was going on at the same time we were walking around. The game going on was to determine if they go to the super bowl. It was the last 10 minutes and if you kept up with the game it was apparently pretty intense. Elder Graham and I could tell. It was so funny for me while we were walking around because whenever there was a score or a mistake or bad call (or just anything) there would be people all around cheering, yelling, screaming, banging on windows, and all manner of noise. It was very funny :D
After the game was over and the seahawkes had won, there were literraly kids running around in celebration yelling "the seahawkes won!", fans in an apartment hugging and yelling "we made it to the super bowl!" It was funny for us.
That is an experience of what happened to us. The most we were able to do was contact some folks walking around who weren't so interested in the game.
While driving to our next thing, we talked about what we could have done better or best. That's something we do a lot after appointments so we can be sure to see where we can approve and do better at.
I would refer you to Elder Oaks' talk of "Good, Better, Best." if you would like to learn more about what Elder Graham and I do and also if you would just like more dialogue and doctrine about the experience I mentioned. As I am short on time.
 Last night we knocked on a door of a Hispanic mans apartment looking for someone. He let us in because it was cold and he was just super kind to us and gave us a glass of cold water. We were able to sing "hark all ye nations" and testify of the gospel to his family.  It was a very kind of them. We sent a referral to the Spanish Elders for him. This morning I was reading in the book of Matthew chapter 10 during my personal study and discovered these scriptures.

40 "He that receiveth‍ you receiveth‍ me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

42 "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water‍ only in the name‍ of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose‍ his reward."

It was amazing to read those words and have that very same experience the day before. Its so wonderful :D
I love my last name. People often make some puns or some joke from it. They be makin' "aSumsions" about me or calling me "Elder Sunshine." Oh the adventures :D
That's all for today, I have got to go.
God be with you.
Elder Sumsion
Small World Moments:
At Choir practice I met a Elder Brandon Chambers who graduated from Springville High School last year. He knew my Cousin Tyler Sumsion who is currently Elder Sumsion.
I also met an Elder Tan who is visa waiting for Taipe, Taiwan (where my cousin is currently serving). He knew Elder Sumsion in the MTC.

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