"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 7: The Temple is amazing :D‏

Here are some awesome pictures taken this morning by Elder Buchanan's camera.
Howdy Howdy!  
Today during P-Day we went to the Seattle Washington Temple! It was great! I loved it so much! As we were coming up to it, I was just filled with joy about having the opportunity to go into such a beautiful and sacred structure. This temples location is a great one. It is right by some main roads with heavy traffic. I am positive many people have passed by it and wondered what it was, which causes me to ask the question "How many people have been able to be converted to the gospel simply because of its presence?" The temple is amazing and I would encourage every single one of you to do as much as you can to be worthy when you have the opportunity to go into it and for those who have already had this opportunity to enter it, enter it again sometime this week.  I got a haircut yesterday, we all did. We had a wonderful member in the ward do it for us.   She used to have a salon.
Elder Buchanan is the who has joined us! He is from Magna, Utah and has been serving in the mission for 14 months. He has been in almost all biking areas until now and he is very grateful to be in a car area. He also makes some pretty great food :D

I had an idea for a great amazing video that would invite the "feels" (or a great opportunity to touch your heart) for The Book of Mormon. I dont know if it exists, but if it does, let me know. Send me a link via email to it (it would have to be onlds.org or mormon channel for me to be able to watch it).
So here is the video. It would be a compilation of a whole bunch of clips from different things. One clip would be from Elder Hollands talk about The Book of Mormon, "Safety for the soul" where he is saying"Never mind that their wives are about to be widows and their children fatherless. Never mind that their little..." and it would go from that part until the end. Another clip would be a clip from the "Praise to the Man" restoration video of Joseph and his bretheren going to Carthage. Another clip would be about the pioneers (probably from Ephraims Rescue or 17 Miracles) and the hardships and hard parts of their journey.  When I imagine all of those powerful clips coming together, it just gives me chills. I would name the video..."The Book of Mormon Restoration Combo Throwdown Testimony Build Power 9000" video :D.

Elder Sumsion

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