"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Season 7: Glacier Park/Lake Wilderness. Episode 3:Simple Lessons Learned.

Elder Asper and I at the hospital yesterday. (I am not perfect at the selfie thing yet :D) We were there from 4:00pm to about 9:00 pm. It was an interesting day.

These are all of my ties that I currently have. If you look back at my MTC posts you could see which ties are new and which ones have stayed. I enjoy a good tie.
I read ALOT of talks. If you would ever like suggestions please do ask. Recently someone asked me for a list of good talks, so here is a list of 10 talks. Now this isn't my "top ten talks" (due to my absolute nature, that list would probably take at least 50 years to make :D), but it are suggestions of talks that I really like.
The talks towards the top will more missionary minded so I encourage my missionary friends to read at least the top 3. These are some great talks.
1) The Quest for Spiritual Knowledge
2) A Treasured Testament
3) President Kimball’s Vision of Missionary Work
4)The Inconvenient Messiah
5)“Quick to Observe”
6)Come, Join with Us
7)You Know Enough
8)Hastening the Lord’s Game Plan!
9)Of Things That Matter Most
10)Truly Good and without Guile
 You should read/listen/watch these talks. I really enjoy them and invite you, if you wont read them all, just try one of them. I love to share the things that I love. Think of the difference it would make if you read a talk instead of watching a youtube video? What a difference that small act would make.
Okey Dokey, this week is has been a great one of stories, and I am sure if you have already taken a sneak peak at the pictures are wondering about what happened. You shall see :D
In our mission we have been focusing a lot on finding more and more people to be baptized in the Lords way (which is preceded by Faith in Jesus Christ and Repenting, and succeeded by the Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End). In order to find the people you have got to go where the people are, and if its raining and there are no people around we should go to the doors and "knock and [hopefully they will be] open unto [us]." Knocking on doors is called tracting and it is something our Mission President has nudged us to do a little bit more because missionaries will often walk around for hours and not talk to a single soul. Now we don't have required times to tract or required people to tract, but he does encourage us to knock on some doors if there are not any people out.
So that is something that I have started to put into practice and it is very comfortless, but it helps me and Elder Asper grow so much! I have done close to none on my mission, so its great to be growing in this way. We knocked some good doors and you know with tracting comes stories.
-We were walking past a house and we saw a woman inside sewing and she saw us and we walked by. We then decided to go back and knock on her door. When she saw us coming up to her driveway after we passed by her face was hilarious. She looked like 0.0  "what are these missionaries thinking."
That's all the stories I have for now, but I will have more to share in the future.
Lastly, the picture. Yesterday during studies Elder Asper didn't feel good at all. He was in a lot of pain and potentially had a kidney stone because it felt like it did when he had one last. So we went to an urgent care place here in Maple Valley, but they didn't diagnose anything so they released him. Then the pain afterwards got really bad, so we went to the ER in Renton with our Lake Wilderness Ward Mission Leader Brother Hinton to see if they could figure out what it was and help with the pain. They didn't diagnose anything so the cause is unknown, but he had no kidney stones which is good. Elder Asper is doing better now because of the pain pills and hopefully time and a nice P-day will help him throughout the week.
Love you all and hope you have a wonderful week! Things are going great. Pray for Sister Loftus. Great progress is being made and a baptism date is what we are going for today.
Elder Sumsion

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