"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, September 14, 2015

Season 7: Glacier Park/Lake Wilderness. Episode 4:

Howdy Howdy! Did you read at least one of those talks? You should if you haven't.
This week has definitely been a very interesting and different one. I will take on the day approach in report.
Tuesday: It was preparation day so it was great that Elder Asper was able to take a break and rest. For lunch we went to this great pizza joint called "Mods." Its basically Subway, but for Pizza and is SO GOOD. I have been several times, and I would highly recommend it. It is just really really great. If you have one near you, or you come and travel around here try it out.
Wednesday: Elder Asper was feeling lots of pain again so President and Sister Eaton actually came by and had a interview with him to see potentially some more solutions. The pain, because this came out of the blue, could be caused by stress or built up something so we went to LDS Family Services. After that the pain was still so bad and we went back to the Valley Medical Center in Renton. No cause still could be detected, but their best guess was pulled muscles. We didn't get any proselyting in and we were traveling around the whole day doing stuff. It was a long day.
Thursday: We got an appointment set up with a family doctor in Puyallup so we travelled down there to see what he could discern. He is the Graham Stake President. His conclusion was that it was lumbar spasm. The treatment is basically stretch it out slowly, but continue pressing foreword. Elder Asper is in a lot of pain consistently, but he continues to press foreword doing his duty.
Friday: We had an amazing lesson with progressing less-actives in the Glacier Park ward. They are firm and committed to coming back to church, getting married, and being sealed in the Temple. Their desire and motivation is very inspiring. They are committed and coming to church so far 2 weeks in a row, considering a about year ago they thought they would never come back.
Saturday: We helped some non-members move in right next to Lake Wilderness which was very very nice. We had a lot of young men from the stake there. The work that was done was great. All together we unloaded 4 moving Pods in an hour and a half. It was funny how impressed the guy we helped move in was. We have also been borrowing Sister Eatons, our Mission Presidents wife, car until this coming Tuesday. We have another appointment with the therapist today that we need to drive to. I have been driving around a lot more than I really have before in my life. Every day and every safe trip we have is such a great blessing. I am so very thankful for a Heavenly Father who watches out and cares for all of His children.
Sunday: Elder Asper was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting. So even amidst great pain and lack of sleep he gave the talk and did well. I am so impressed with his dedication to work so hard even amidst his great pain.
We also had a non-member come to church that we met earlier this week!!! It was so fantastic to have someone there after inviting. Her name is Tatiana and she recently moved into the Glacier Park ward and is looking for a potential church to go to. She really really enjoyed it and is planning on coming next week with the rest of her family (she also joined the ward Relief Society Facebook page :D). The ward members did such a great job of fellowshipping and being kind. Elder Asper and I were so happy that someone has come. Its been tough work, but as we have been working hard at helping people experience the blessings of the gospel we have seen so many miracles!
Elder Asper is also just a very faithful individual and prays for specific blessings. We are working very hard at finding a prepared family for us to teach and it has been exciting for us to expect miracles and to pray for that every day.
The church recently released a lot of videos about addiction recovery which are all very powerful! You don't need to be a drug addict to watch them. Whenever I watch one of those types of videos on forgiveness and overcoming hard things my appreciation for the Atonement of Jesus Christ are strengthened so much! The videos are all based on the 12 steps to recovery from addiction and I have watched them all. Two of them that I really appreciated and were powerful to me was step 5 and step 9.
12 Steps to Change video's
Step 5
Step 9
I hope you have a wonderful week and find some peace and joy in watching these videos, or reading any of those talks I sent last week.
Elder Sumsion

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