"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Season 10: North Tapps. Episode 7: The Real 7

And it came to pass...

This is my new legion of ties. I love it. If you go back to my MTC days in the blog, you can see how much my fleet has grown
My email headings are not always perfect nor will they be. I may forget to add a title or label it wrong. I acknowledged it, and now I move on. :)

Woah! Transfers are happening today! Elder Nelson has been here for 4 transfers and he will be starting his 5th here! I am being transferred today after 2. The Lord has plans for me and I am grateful for the time I got to spend here in the North Tapps ward serving as a Zone Leader in the Puyallup Stake. I now venture on to the Renton Stake serving in the Skyway ward! I will be serving as a Zone Leader with Elder John. I am excited for this coming transfer. Also Skyway is super duper close to Seattle so I should be able to send you some pictures of the city even though it isn't in our mission haha.

The work is progressing in North Tapps! 
Brother Ryan Rector our investigator on date has become sick, so we haven't been able to meet with him in a little bit. Its rough because the sickness is real, so I really need to be patient as we are trying to work with him. We are praying for his health. In the future I will be able to come to his baptism and will let you know when that happens.
We had an amazing lesson last night with the Sergeant family! We tracked into them way back in November and we finally had a lesson with them last night in the Beaus', members in the ward, home. It went wonderful! They have real intent and will get baptized when they come to know that its true. Brother Sergeant is really the one he needs work because it seems that Sister Sergeant is ready to join the church right now. Brother Sergeant has never been to a church and doesn't really have a religious background so religion is an interesting thing for him.

I had one last experience I wanted to share. It happened a while ago, but I felt like I should share it. When Elder Lawrence of the Seventy came and visited our mission, the Mission Leadership council got to have a meeting with him. Mission Leadership Council also the week before had a special "meeting" where they all got to go and hike part of Mt. Rainier. It was hard for me because I was missing out of these awesome experiences that were happening. I wanted to be apart of it. 
I asked President Eaton about what I could do to help this way I felt and he expressed some inspired thoughts. He told me that I wasn't missing out on any special revelation Heavenly Father had for me. The Holy Ghost will reveal to us what we need to hear. The Spirit is select to only the special groups of leadership like Ward Council, Seminary Council, Etc. The Holy Ghost comes when you are sincerely asking and knocking. That really helped me and I was grateful for that revelation. Don't worry about not being in leadership stuff, because what you are experiencing is what Heavenly Father has meted (or measured or chosen or given) for you! Read D&C 84:85 to lead you on additional study of this topic.
Love you all!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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