"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Season 10:North Tapps. Episode 6:The Temple after a Year

Elder Kelley and I on exchanges. This is the bear we got from the food bank that we have now dressed up. Elder Bear!

The District I am in!
The Elders are starting from the left, Elder Cabrera, Elder Perkins, Elder Beaudette (District Leader), Elder Tripp, Elder Nelson, and Elder Sumsion.
Sisters strarting from the left are Sister Wright and SIster Lyman.

We got to go to the Temple today! Its been my first time in a whole year and I loved it! It was such a powerful experience for me. The temple is such a shelter and refuge from the world. And let me tell you, as missionaries we are in the world A LOT (not of the world though). We spend time in some less than holy places and to go to the temple is like having a glass of water after a long hot day in the summer where there isn't a cloud in sight. It was like finishing a marathon and sitting down and resting. It was like using your phone and seeing your almost after battery and being worried that its going to run out and then getting it plugged in with no worry of ever loosing it. I really loved it and I feel spiritual strength! Its like I had the Armour of God which we wear all of the time clean and polished and now its all new, shiny, and powerful!

This week our ward started a 40 day fast. We had 3 set lessons on Thursday, the day the fast started, and they all cancelled one after another :( Elder Nelson and I were sad for just a moment because these lessons were with key investigators at the church. But Elder Nelson and I determined and trusted in Heavenly Father knowing that He has a perfect plan and that He knew this would happen. We don't know all of the reasons why they were cancelled, but we did have our testimonies strengthened of that principle because we found out that our church building had been vandalized by people using whipped cream cans all over it! So in the end it was apart of Heavenly Fathers plan because it wouldn't have been a great first impression of the church with whipped cream all over it. Moral of the story, its okay to be sad about things that happen in life, but don't let that put you down! Keep on working forward doing what you know you need to do and it will all work out! Trust in God!

The second day of the 40 day fast, Friday, we did have a solid miracle! Ryan who the missionaries here have been trying to have a lesson with in 6 months finally came to a lesson we set up and it was wonderful! He has been prepared from a lot of humbling circumstances (to read how humility prepares us for the gospel, read Alma 32) and accepted to be baptized on February 27th! He had one concern. When we asked him, he said "Yes I will, but can I be baptized in a river?" Haha! So in the end not a very concerning concern! He was coming to a baptism on Saturday and to church on Sunday, but due to sickness he has been rendered unavailable and weak. Great miracles are coming with him and we are super excited!

Love you all! Missionary work is great and I love it!

Stay true and read The Book of Mormon every single day
Elder Sumsion

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