"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Season 13: Skyway. Episode 6: Asking Questions Results in Revelation!

Us dropping of Elder Christiansen at the Auburn Stake Center who finished his mission on Monday. Elder Jones did as well! I love both of those Elders.

This was my district last transfer. Starting on the left Elder Sanders, Elder Hunter, Elder Sumsion, Elder Stucki, Elder Richards, Sister Wilkinson, and Sister Bailey.
Howdy Howdy Howdy!
First offs with transfers that is happening today, Skyway A and B are going to be separated back into their own areas and I am going to be in Skyway B. I am being blessed with another opportunity to train which I am very excited for! Training is the most important assignment one can receive on his/her own mission and I am grateful the Lord trusts me with such a sacred duty.

President and Sister Eaton this week had a special training for the mission on the Doctrine of The Family. To understand what that doctrine is check out these 2 talks:

Elder Bednar

Sister Beck

President Eaton didnt want us to refer to this training as the "trunky training" because he did talk about some very important after mission events. With these after mission events he talked about how we would approach these concepts (including when to get married, who you marry, careers you choose, hobbies you have) differently when we understand the doctrine of the family and keep these choices in the Eternal Perspective. It was a great training and he really inspired us to find, teach, and baptize families! One of the things I am doing differently to find families is whenever we are driving and see a family at their home or yard is to stop and talk to them (if we dont have a set thing we are going to).

The principle that has been strengthened in my heart this week was one the importance of asking questions! I had the blessing to be on 3 exchanges this week and with each of them I prepared several questions to ask them. I was blessed by all three of their answers to the questions I asked. It didn't matter about their mission assignments (from Assistant, to District Leader, to Junior Companion) The Lord spoke through them to me through these questions I asked. I also took notes on the things that they shared because I didn't want to forget what they were sharing (because the answers were valuable gems and people typically forget things after about 7 hours or at least I do :) ). Elder Rex and I have also started to prepare questions in advance for dinners with members. There is a quote President Eaton shared that goes something like this:
"Every person you meet is a feature story if you ask the right questions."
All these members with over double my life experience or even a couple years have been blessed with their own experiences and lessons that are valuable for everyone to hear.
This practice of preparing questions will be a huge blessing that will bless me in the future whether its in my personal study of the scriptures or in my communications with my family. Try this experiment out. 

Prepare 3 questions that you care about for a upcoming experience (whether that be a visit to the grandparents, a lunch conversation with a friend, or a car ride with your spouse) with another human being. Even preparing questions for those who are less experienced than you (new employees, children, etc.) will bless you with profound results!

Love you all! Have a great week! I will totally keep you accountable to my invitation if you accept it. Just email me that you are going to do it and I will follow up and see how it went.
Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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