"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, September 26, 2016

Season 16: Skyway B. Episode 3:Beware of the Astro-Travelers

Trying on a snazzy helmet at a bike store 

Elder Richards and I at interviews on Friday

And here is a nice picture of Seattle as well :D

A selfie this morning of the p-day crew we are driving around.
Howdy everyone! Hope that the week and month is going well! We have a super swell opportunity this coming weekend to hear from living Prophets and Apostles! I am super excited for that! One truth that has always stuck with me my while mission since a member named Brother Bingham shared it is that General Conference is a scheduled answered prayer! When you have something that you are wondering and you sincerely want to know, God will communicate the answers to you if you listen and pay careful attention through His messengers. Try writing down at least three questions that you have a desire to have an answer for and then remember them throughout all the conference sessions and look for your answer.

Here are some highlights of the week!

Monday: There is an apartment complex in our area where many people are from Africa. There are tons of kids running all around and we went there to follow up with a potential and less-active. While we were walking through the group of kids were all surrounding us asking us different questions. We were talking to their mom and offered her a pass along card. Then ALL of the kids wanted one which was pretty funny. It felt like we were serving in Africa where you see those pictures of two missionaries dressed in white surrounded/followed by all the kids. It was a nice fun experience. They don't tell you it, but here in the Washington Federal Way Mission you actually get to serve more of a foreign mission than those who actually leave the country haha. We meet many many different individuals from all different backgrounds and cultures. 

Tuesday: We were having a lesson with John and during the middle of it he had like this light-switch moment where he all of the sudden wasn't interested in meeting with us, being baptized, or coming to church. It turns out it was because he saw on the news that apparently Mormons killed 3 people in Boston Massachusetts. He doesn't understand or remember things very well and so it was difficult to help him resolve that concern that that didn't happen. Nothing that we said was able to break through to him, so we set up for a return appointment confused about what had just happened.

Wednesday: While walking around we met this nice teenager who had an interesting story. She was very kind while we were contacting here and we asked if she believed in Christ and she said something like "I converted a year ago when my friends prayed that the demons inside of me would leave." Elder Richards and I were happy that she got the demons out of her, but confused at where she was at and how interested she really was. She agreed to meet with us later and as I asked if there was anything I could pray for in particular when we left her with a prayer she said something like "Ya, pray that the Astro-Travelers around me go away. They are really distracting and make it hard to focus." I included that in the prayer and we departed ways. 
Its fun to talk with everyone :D

Thursday: We met with John again and he was normal again. He didnt have the concern and committed to start to live the Word of Wisdom. So that is what happened there. We also met with Mia and she is still struggling to receive and recognize an answer to her prayer. We are having a lesson this evening at 7pm.

Sorry I have run out of time. I hope you have a great week! If anyone has any suggestions about how to finish a mission strong or things they did to stay focused and work hard I would love to hear them next week.

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost."

Monday, September 19, 2016

Season 16: Skyway B. Episode 2:The Update

Elder Sumsion, Rex, and Richards on the drive down to the Graham Stake Center. The picture just gets me to smile... especially Elder Rex.

I really love nature. On the drive down to Graham there were some pretty clouds :D God just did such an amazing job with it all.

I  am going to try one of the day by day things. 

Monday: One lady we found Elder Richards 1st day here is Tiffany. She grew up Jehovah witness, but has gone back to just a basic belief in God and her Native American roots. She has been letting us come back by to visit her even though she has a new born and lots of family to take care of. We were trying to discover about why she kept letting us come back amidst all the business and we discovered that she is open and okay with us sharing with her our beliefs. While that is a great reason and very kind, that isnt likely going to carry her to baptism and past family opposition. Through inspired questions we discovered that she wants to feel clean from the past mistakes that she has made. We testified briefly that that is what we share and teach about. Having the right motive behind things, especially in investigating something as important as the gospel is essential. I am glad the Spirit blessed us to ask the right questions to find that out. As we teach to investigators needs they are "hooked" (like a fish on the hook) to learned more and then they truly begin to investigate.

Tuesday: I had the opportunity to go on an exchange with Elder Ward in Skyway B. It was his first exchange ever so that was exciting that I was able to participate with him in that. He did a great job and was actually able to invite two of our investigators to baptism! Jean Rocha recommitted for November 5th and John committed for the 12th of November. With Jean coming to church is going to make it or break it. 

Wednesday: We had the opportunity to do service at Northwest Harvest. We were taking a large bulk load of dry beans and packing them to be family size so that other food banks can use them throughout the Northwest. Its fun stuff! We also had the opportunity to teach a man named Henock really briefly. He is from Ethiopia and speaks mainly Amharic. While we were walking past him we testified and told him about The Book of Mormon and how it is a record of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and that it contains some of Christs word when he visited there. That caught his interest and he let us come back with a Book of Mormon in Amharic for him. The truth that Christ appeared in the Americas is one that many people connect with. The light of Christ inside the Elect hear that truth and it connects with them. Whenever you dont know what to say, bear testimony of Christ and the Book of Mormon and the Spirit will work through your words!

Thursday: We had a lesson with a Media referral we met a couple weeks ago named Sandra. She was taught by missionaries in the past who "hung-out" with her. So her expectations of what missionaries do isnt exactly on par with repenting and being baptized :/. Elder Richards and I are going to be setting that expectation with her and hopefully not having her not want to meet with us in the process of that. We are going to connect her with the members of the ward because they are the ones who should be hanging out with investigators of the church, not the missionaries.

Friday: We had another lesson with Mia. She is still doing awesome! During this lesson we asked questions about what she is doing to receive her answer and the Spirit totally guided us throughout it! It was an amazing example of the Spirit working through us because I learned from the things that we said. We read Alma 32 and had a great discussion on faith. She is willing to give up her Catholic tradition when she receives her answer. We found out that her Grandma recently passed away and that her car was broken into. In spite of these crazy events she didn't cancel with us and still met!!! That is tons of faith that I haven't seen from many investigators on my mission.

 "You can always know you have taught by the Spirit when you learn from what you say." (Marion G. Romney I believe said that)

Saturday: We had a lesson with John, but we were sure if he was completely accountable above the age of 8. He does not remember much from our lessons and so we thought it would be best to have the Bishop meet with him at church before we continue teaching him.

Sunday: John came to church and had the opportunity to talk with Brother Green the 1st councilor in the Bishopric. Brother Green felt that he was accountable so we are going to continue to work with him. We are hoping to make some break through s in helping him understand and learn. He always loves church so much and expresses it many many times during lessons :)

In the evening was also the mission devotional. It was down in Graham which is basically the bottom of the mission. I love singing and the converts who shared their testimonies did a great job. The Spirit was facilitated and I felt edified!

That's about all for this week! Investigators are doing awesome! We feel that Mia has received her answer already so this week we are going to do our best to help her recognize that. Love you all! Thanks for your support and prayers.

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost.
"To all missionaries past and present: Elders and sisters, you simply cannot return from your mission, do a swan dive back into Babylon, and spend endless hours scoring meaningless points on pointless video games without falling into a deep spiritual sleep. Nor can you indulge in online pornography and ignore virtue and chastity without dire spiritual consequences. If you lose the Spirit, you are lost. Don’t be distracted and deceived.
"True disciples continue to awaken unto God each day in meaningful personal prayer, earnest scripture study, personal obedience, and selfless service. Stay by the tree and stay awake.
   -Elder Kevin W. Pearson "Stay By the Tree"

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Season 16: Skyway B. Episode 1:Become Better

Elder Richards and I this morning.

We participated in the Renton Day of Service Saturday the 10th. We did some good work cleaning up yard waste around a members newly bought home which had not had any yard work done on it for 50 years. Fun stuffs!

Hello Family and Friends! My journey of being in the Renton Zone and serving in the Skyway ward continues on through my 7th month here. Spending large amounts of time in areas has been an experience I am familiar with on my mission.

Missionary work is a compelling experience which I love. "Doing your time" for 2 years is one thing, but actually devoting all your "heart, might, mind, and strength" is another. The latter is difficult and stretching every day, but that is what will result in the biggest change of character in my self. The Lord molds and shapes you into the person you need to become, but can only do so if you are willing. We need to be willing and when we are it happens!

Two little quote thing-y's. "God can make the willing able, but not the able willing." When we become willing for God to shape and mold us, it is at that time we are endowed with power knowing that all of our experiences shall be for our good (D&C121). We are given a multitude of experiences and we choose our response. The other quote is something we can do when we are faced with our challenges, trials, and hardships. In the end there are really only two results and this truth is highlighted so well in The Book of Mormon. "We can choose to become bitter or to become better." It is a fact that everyone is going to face some sort of challenge and trail, but the difference is on how to choose to react to that fact. 

Heavenly Father is always so good to me (even when my finite mind doesnt understand why at times). We have as always been blessed with a multitude of blessings and miralces this week. One of them involved the Relief Society President again, Sister Kemp. Earlier in the week we had another lesson with Mia and during the lesson we came to understand how truly connected she was to her belief towards Mary and praying to her. We had some members who addressed her concern well, without us going out and directly saying "We dont pray to Mary or any other Saints. Only to Heavenly Father." We understood though that we needed to talk about this.

We brought this up in a coordination meeting with the ward to find out that Sister Kemp used to be Catholic and totally understands Mia's concern. In her busy schedule of being a Relief Society President and in finishing a book she made the time to come to a lesson with us. Having her there connecting with Mia on her level with her understanding of where she was coming was amazing. During the lesson Sister Kemp was the one who told her, but because we taught this doctrine and difference of belief with love and Mia received with an open heart she understood. If she did know that this church was Gods church, she said she would join it. 

She came to church on Sunday and enjoyed it. She really likes the church, but feels that spiritually everything is the same or pretty similar to what she believes in. What she does notice as the difference is the sense of community and the focus on family that her other church is lacking for her. She really loves Relief Society and feels the Spirit here, but shares she feels it at her old church as well. This week some of our goals is to help her understand the Plan of Salvation and just how important it is to join. She is praying, but not recognizing her answer yet. 

Another man who come to church on Sunday was John. We met him contacting and was very kind to listen to us. He is from Alaska and is an Eskimo! Here in south Seattle, you meet all sorts of different races and cultures. Its awesome! John has had some strokes and lives in an assisted living place pretty close to where Sister Fabon lives. She took him to come to church on Sunday and helped him out. It was really kind of her and I am glad she is able to play a part in helping the work move forward in the ward.

Elder Richards my new companion is super awesome! He has been out for just over 13 months and is from Bountiful, Utah. I love his desire to improve and progress as a missionary.

Thats about all for today! 

Elder Sumsion

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Season 15: Skyway B. Episode 6: Fightin' the Pride

Farewell selfie this morning with Elder Cardin on the roof of our apartment building.

The District this transfer. From left, Sisters Beck, Stevenson, Livingstone, Tayco, Elders Sumsion, Perkins, Northrup, and Cardin.

Pictures with the Stephens at Coulon Park. These members are so kind. They took us out to eat on P-day last week.

Picture of Lake Washington from Coulon Park. The area that is in the middle of the horizon is Skway B area/South Seattle/Columbia City. On the left end is actual Skyway. On the Right is Mercer Island.

Picture of Lake Washington from Coulon Park

This week has be excellent as always! We have truly been blessed with a multitude of miracles and blessings. God is good and I am grateful for the opportunity to share with you some of the things that have happened.

In another neighborhood that we received a subtle impression to go rescuing in we knocked on the door of Mia. Mia is a mother who grew up Catholic. She isnt very active in the church now, but still believes... sometimes. She wasnt very interested at the start of our conversation. We tracted into her, taught her on the spot the restoration, and ended with the invitation for us to come by and share more. We said "The worst thing that would happen is we come by for 15 minutes and waste your time, but the best thing is that it would change eternity for you and your family."
She asked "Only 15 minutes? Can we do it now?"
We had the opportunity to sit down and teach her about how to recognize the Spirit and she ended with a prayer. By the end of the experience she was much more open and let us come back on Monday/yesterday. She hasnt received her answer yet about Joseph Smith, but she is still praying and committed yesterday to read the Book of Mormon. She is awesome!

An update on Tierra on her family is that we finally got to sit down and visit with her on Saturday. We brought the Senior Sisters in the ward and it was just an amazing visit. Tierra has had tons of amazing experiences in her life and has definitely seen the hand of the Lord in it. Elder Cardin describes her and other people who are prepared to receive the gospel as "over done." Doctrine and Covenants section 4 says "The field is white already to harvest" and these individuals we are blessed to be working with are very ready to receive it! 

The Shepherds are individuals who we are still working with. Sister Shepherd was very hesitant to meet with us weekly in a lesson setting and so we have had to push for another lesson every time. We came to find out that the reason she didnt want to meet with us often was because she didnt understand why were coming by as missionaries. That is a bad on our part because we hadnt set the expectations very well with them. We met with them yesterday and explained that we are guides as missionaries to help them get to the spiritual destination of receiving and acting on the revelation of this church being Gods church. It was pretty awesome because as soon as she understood more of what our purpose was as missionaries (she thought we just came by to answer questions), she was motivated more to meet with us weekly. She committed to coming to church on Sunday :)

One last amazing experience that God blessed us with was with Michael and Phyllis. A week ago on Sunday night we talked to Phyllis to find out that they were not interested in meeting with us anymore or studying. We bore testimony and asked just for one last time to meet with her and Michael on Wednesday. That Sunday night I could feel my heart breaking just a little bit, but we prayed and exercised faith and the lesson on Wednesday went great.

We brought Sister Kemp the Relief Society President with us and let her know what was happening with this lesson. She understood that this lesson was pivotal. We went in and Michael was expressing that he didnt want to study anymore and he wouldnt even let us share a scripture or pray with him. I didnt know what to say and my heart was just breaking after all the service and potential they had.

Then when Phyllis and Sister Kemp met they looked familiar and then we had the most amazing "its a small world moment" I have ever had. Long story short, Sister Kemp is very very good friends with Michaels mom and knew Michael and Phyllis when they were teenagers. This reunion totally brought that Spirit as Sister Kemp boldly told Michael "You are not stopping these studies, you are going to continue to meet with them." The Spirit was so strong and they had a come 180 degree turn around. He said that he isnt going to stop studying. This experience was just so amazing. I wish I could go into more detail, but suffice it to say Heavenly Father is the perfect Orchestra-tor of life.

Those are some of the tender mercies we have experienced :)

Lastly transfers are today. Elder Cardin is going to be transferred out of zone leaving me here in Skyway B likely for the rest of my mission. As a result of him being transferred and of 17 new missionaries coming into the mission, I was basically expecting to be training my last two transfers. I was expecting a call yesterday to train, but it didnt come. Then later on in the evening I come to find out that basically everyone in the zone will be training and I felt bad that I was being blessed with this opportunity. I felt this pride of "Why didnt I get this honor and why did others?"

Its been an amazing experience for me reflecting and developing a deeper testimony that there is a perfect plan as to why I am not training. I dont know it all, but I do know that Heavenly Fathers plan is way better than mine ever could be. As I have been studying humility and praying for it, I have been blessed to more deeply recognize that I need to be more submissive to His plan. "I'll go where you want me to go" is what we should be saying rather than "I'll go if its where I want to go." 

This morning as I was recording some thoughts on humility, I recognized that I need to be more like the pen I am writing with. It doesnt say "use me only for journal writing" or "I am only available to be used after 6pm." Nope, the pen is completely humble to everything I will it to do. I am willing to do whatever the Lord needs me to do while I am serving on my mission (and afterwards of course). Its not so much about what you do on your mission, but its about your heart and if you willingly do all that you are asked (or not asked) to do. 

Elder Richards is my companion this coming transfer! I have already spent some time teaching with him when we would teach Gin in Skyway A with Elder Jiao. Now I get the opportunity to be with him full-time for which I am so excited. I love that Elder so much already and I look forward to the coming month with him.

Love you all!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson