"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, September 26, 2016

Season 16: Skyway B. Episode 3:Beware of the Astro-Travelers

Trying on a snazzy helmet at a bike store 

Elder Richards and I at interviews on Friday

And here is a nice picture of Seattle as well :D

A selfie this morning of the p-day crew we are driving around.
Howdy everyone! Hope that the week and month is going well! We have a super swell opportunity this coming weekend to hear from living Prophets and Apostles! I am super excited for that! One truth that has always stuck with me my while mission since a member named Brother Bingham shared it is that General Conference is a scheduled answered prayer! When you have something that you are wondering and you sincerely want to know, God will communicate the answers to you if you listen and pay careful attention through His messengers. Try writing down at least three questions that you have a desire to have an answer for and then remember them throughout all the conference sessions and look for your answer.

Here are some highlights of the week!

Monday: There is an apartment complex in our area where many people are from Africa. There are tons of kids running all around and we went there to follow up with a potential and less-active. While we were walking through the group of kids were all surrounding us asking us different questions. We were talking to their mom and offered her a pass along card. Then ALL of the kids wanted one which was pretty funny. It felt like we were serving in Africa where you see those pictures of two missionaries dressed in white surrounded/followed by all the kids. It was a nice fun experience. They don't tell you it, but here in the Washington Federal Way Mission you actually get to serve more of a foreign mission than those who actually leave the country haha. We meet many many different individuals from all different backgrounds and cultures. 

Tuesday: We were having a lesson with John and during the middle of it he had like this light-switch moment where he all of the sudden wasn't interested in meeting with us, being baptized, or coming to church. It turns out it was because he saw on the news that apparently Mormons killed 3 people in Boston Massachusetts. He doesn't understand or remember things very well and so it was difficult to help him resolve that concern that that didn't happen. Nothing that we said was able to break through to him, so we set up for a return appointment confused about what had just happened.

Wednesday: While walking around we met this nice teenager who had an interesting story. She was very kind while we were contacting here and we asked if she believed in Christ and she said something like "I converted a year ago when my friends prayed that the demons inside of me would leave." Elder Richards and I were happy that she got the demons out of her, but confused at where she was at and how interested she really was. She agreed to meet with us later and as I asked if there was anything I could pray for in particular when we left her with a prayer she said something like "Ya, pray that the Astro-Travelers around me go away. They are really distracting and make it hard to focus." I included that in the prayer and we departed ways. 
Its fun to talk with everyone :D

Thursday: We met with John again and he was normal again. He didnt have the concern and committed to start to live the Word of Wisdom. So that is what happened there. We also met with Mia and she is still struggling to receive and recognize an answer to her prayer. We are having a lesson this evening at 7pm.

Sorry I have run out of time. I hope you have a great week! If anyone has any suggestions about how to finish a mission strong or things they did to stay focused and work hard I would love to hear them next week.

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost."

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