"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, September 19, 2016

Season 16: Skyway B. Episode 2:The Update

Elder Sumsion, Rex, and Richards on the drive down to the Graham Stake Center. The picture just gets me to smile... especially Elder Rex.

I really love nature. On the drive down to Graham there were some pretty clouds :D God just did such an amazing job with it all.

I  am going to try one of the day by day things. 

Monday: One lady we found Elder Richards 1st day here is Tiffany. She grew up Jehovah witness, but has gone back to just a basic belief in God and her Native American roots. She has been letting us come back by to visit her even though she has a new born and lots of family to take care of. We were trying to discover about why she kept letting us come back amidst all the business and we discovered that she is open and okay with us sharing with her our beliefs. While that is a great reason and very kind, that isnt likely going to carry her to baptism and past family opposition. Through inspired questions we discovered that she wants to feel clean from the past mistakes that she has made. We testified briefly that that is what we share and teach about. Having the right motive behind things, especially in investigating something as important as the gospel is essential. I am glad the Spirit blessed us to ask the right questions to find that out. As we teach to investigators needs they are "hooked" (like a fish on the hook) to learned more and then they truly begin to investigate.

Tuesday: I had the opportunity to go on an exchange with Elder Ward in Skyway B. It was his first exchange ever so that was exciting that I was able to participate with him in that. He did a great job and was actually able to invite two of our investigators to baptism! Jean Rocha recommitted for November 5th and John committed for the 12th of November. With Jean coming to church is going to make it or break it. 

Wednesday: We had the opportunity to do service at Northwest Harvest. We were taking a large bulk load of dry beans and packing them to be family size so that other food banks can use them throughout the Northwest. Its fun stuff! We also had the opportunity to teach a man named Henock really briefly. He is from Ethiopia and speaks mainly Amharic. While we were walking past him we testified and told him about The Book of Mormon and how it is a record of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and that it contains some of Christs word when he visited there. That caught his interest and he let us come back with a Book of Mormon in Amharic for him. The truth that Christ appeared in the Americas is one that many people connect with. The light of Christ inside the Elect hear that truth and it connects with them. Whenever you dont know what to say, bear testimony of Christ and the Book of Mormon and the Spirit will work through your words!

Thursday: We had a lesson with a Media referral we met a couple weeks ago named Sandra. She was taught by missionaries in the past who "hung-out" with her. So her expectations of what missionaries do isnt exactly on par with repenting and being baptized :/. Elder Richards and I are going to be setting that expectation with her and hopefully not having her not want to meet with us in the process of that. We are going to connect her with the members of the ward because they are the ones who should be hanging out with investigators of the church, not the missionaries.

Friday: We had another lesson with Mia. She is still doing awesome! During this lesson we asked questions about what she is doing to receive her answer and the Spirit totally guided us throughout it! It was an amazing example of the Spirit working through us because I learned from the things that we said. We read Alma 32 and had a great discussion on faith. She is willing to give up her Catholic tradition when she receives her answer. We found out that her Grandma recently passed away and that her car was broken into. In spite of these crazy events she didn't cancel with us and still met!!! That is tons of faith that I haven't seen from many investigators on my mission.

 "You can always know you have taught by the Spirit when you learn from what you say." (Marion G. Romney I believe said that)

Saturday: We had a lesson with John, but we were sure if he was completely accountable above the age of 8. He does not remember much from our lessons and so we thought it would be best to have the Bishop meet with him at church before we continue teaching him.

Sunday: John came to church and had the opportunity to talk with Brother Green the 1st councilor in the Bishopric. Brother Green felt that he was accountable so we are going to continue to work with him. We are hoping to make some break through s in helping him understand and learn. He always loves church so much and expresses it many many times during lessons :)

In the evening was also the mission devotional. It was down in Graham which is basically the bottom of the mission. I love singing and the converts who shared their testimonies did a great job. The Spirit was facilitated and I felt edified!

That's about all for this week! Investigators are doing awesome! We feel that Mia has received her answer already so this week we are going to do our best to help her recognize that. Love you all! Thanks for your support and prayers.

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost.
"To all missionaries past and present: Elders and sisters, you simply cannot return from your mission, do a swan dive back into Babylon, and spend endless hours scoring meaningless points on pointless video games without falling into a deep spiritual sleep. Nor can you indulge in online pornography and ignore virtue and chastity without dire spiritual consequences. If you lose the Spirit, you are lost. Don’t be distracted and deceived.
"True disciples continue to awaken unto God each day in meaningful personal prayer, earnest scripture study, personal obedience, and selfless service. Stay by the tree and stay awake.
   -Elder Kevin W. Pearson "Stay By the Tree"

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