"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, December 29, 2014

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 3: Always Remembering

I hope that sharing the gift has been an amazing experience for you in this past week. I know that if you sincerely pray for missionary opportunities, they will come. As you strive to live a good life, follow the commandments, and love Heavenly Father and your neighbor, He will be able to work through you.
A mission is such a wonderful thing! The spirit is so strong and I feel its presence. There is a special spirit in the temple and I think one thing we can strive to do is to carry that spirit out of the temple into our temple or ourselves. You can feel His presence all the time. You don't have to be on a mission, in the MTC, in Church, in seminary, in institute, in the temple, or any other holy place to feel the spirit. You can always have the spirit with you. Think about your covenants you have made. Think about these words from the sacrament prayer.
"...O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen." 

Christmas week is over and another one is starting. During this week a new year begins. I am sure some of you are going to be making new years resolutions. Elder Graham and I have visited many members homes and invited them to do things. Elder Graham gave a talk last Sunday and invited them to do something as well. That same thing I am inviting you do as well. A Christmas tradition in the Graham home is to every year write down one thing you are going to give or give up for Christ. One thing to help them become more Christlike. I invite you to think and ponder about one thing you can give up to become more Christlike. Pray and think about it and on new years commit to giving that thing up. Anything that stops you from coming closer to Christ. As a missionary and representative of Jesus Christ I can promise you that as you give up this thing that you will be closer to Christ. I promise you that the financial burdens, family stresses, school burdens, or whatever trial you are facing will become easier as you give this thing up. Whatever you choose, make sure you remember it.
One great thing about this life, our experience on Earth, is choice. Our agency. Its such a wonderful thing. What a wonderful gift that we have to choose. Even in the pre-earth life chose. Out of everything we have, choice is really the only thing we have. Our things/stuff is not ours. Its not truly ours. We can say we do own them, but they can be taken away from us in any moment. Our body as well is not ours.
1 Corinthians 6
"19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s."
The only true thing we have that cannot be taken away is our agency.
Keep that in mind for my thought next week.
With Love,
Elder Sumsion

Monday, December 22, 2014

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 2: #Sharethegift‏

Yokwe! That is the way Marshalese people greet each other. It is pronounced "yaw-kway." 

Happy Christmas in a few days! 
Missionary work is so exciting around Christmas time. Elder Graham and I have been caroling and singing at almost every door we knock at. Its such and adventure! Elder Graham and I have been put together for a reason.

Here are some "Small World Moments" that I have not mentioned.
-On my flight to Washington I sat next to Sister Parsons who is also serving in Washington Federal Way. While talking to her I found out that she used to work with my friend Andy Smith at Papajohns. It was totally crazy and amazing to me that I just happened to be sitting next to a missionary who knew him. It was really great.
-Another moment was also at the airport. There was a visa waiter flying with us to Washington to wait in our mission. It is Sister Li. After talking for a little bit I recognized her last name as a friend from High Schools last name. She is Simon Li's sister. He is currently serving his mission now. I actually saw him one time when Tyler Howarth and I were leaving the temple from doing baptism's.
-A visa waiter arrived into a companionship staying in the same apartment complex as Elder Graham and I. Elder Smith is his name and he is visa waiting for Taiwan, Taipei. He knew Elder Sumsion, my cousin, in the MTC. 
-Lastly at a ward Christmas Breakfast on the 13th this month while greeting lots of new people I met a Robert Allred. He recognized the last name and asked if I knew a Jared Sumsion (who is my uncle). I sure did haha! He knew Jared when he was the Student Body President at UVU.

Being on a mission really helps you grow so much. I have not been in a comfort zone while here. "There is no growth in a comfort zone and there is no comfort in a growth zone." You definitely get stretched and pulled while serving. A great Mormon Message talks about this very concept.
Its called "The Refiners Fire." You should look it up and watch it. 

If you havent given away all of your "He is the gift" pass along cards I would definitely encourage you to do so. You wont regret it. Pray for an opportunity to give at least one of them away. Share it with a neighbor or friend. Share it on your Facebook wall. Send an email to a coworker. There are so many opportunities. 
#Sharethegift If there is anything that could get me to start using "hashtags" it would be the church haha :D I have noticed as we have involved members in our work they are blessed with the missionary spirit and it is a good feeling. As we have involved members in the missionary work they are blessed with a great excitement, spirit, and zeal. You to can feel that spirit if you act. "You will receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

I am so grateful for your support and gifts while I am on a mission. I love each of you sincerely. Christs call is always "Come Unto Me." You are always welcome.

Elder Sumsion

Monday, December 15, 2014

​Elder Nelson and I on the frontrunner at about 4:00 am on tuesday :D

Just outside our apartment that foggy morning.

It was VERY foggy Sunday morning.

Elder Odell, Bohne, and Gardner and I in our "Captain Moroni" Shirts :D

Season 2: Washington, Kent. Clark Lake Area. Episode 1: Miracles are For Real‏

Howdy Howdy and hello from Washington State!
Wow! What a week since leaving the MTC! I left that Tuesday morning at about 3:40 am and flew up to Washington and continued to have a long day. I was very grateful for sleep that night :D

For some logistical things, my mailing address will be the same for the rest of my mission which is great! Here it is. 
Elder Cameron Sumsion
23175 224th PL SE, Suite E
Maple Valley, WA 98038

I love being out here and helping others come closer to Christ. In my small time here its amazing how much of that I have already been able to see. My love for my companion, ward, and people in this area is growing and evident already in the way I talk and think about them. 
My companion is Elder Graham. He grew up in Ohio and his home is currently in Roosevelt, Utah. This is his fourth transfer out and he is a District Leader and my trainer. He is wonderful and I love him. He is a progressing missionary and strives to do his best. We are both blessed with the gift of music and have already been able to use it to help others come unto Christ. President Eaton said he didnt realize that both of us have that gift. It was very inspired for that reasons and many others as well. Elder Graham is a wonderful missionary who is mature, humble, and a wonderful facilitator of the spirit. He fulfills his missionary purpose, "To invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end," to great extent to all others including me.

Currently we are serving in Kent, Washington in the Clark Lake Area/Ward. In this mission its split up so that each area is a ward. There are 8 stakes in the mission.
I love it. It hasn't rained that much. It actually has not rained since maybe friday or Saturday morning, but it was raining for a bit though when I got here. I love the rain and I am glad I didn't bring an umbrella. I still do love The Blue Umbrella though. Its beautiful.
If you have any specific questions to ask me feel free to ask me. I can respond in these emails or in private if you would like me too. I am not going to cover everything I do, but I will cover what I feel.
Up here its very different and very similar to Provo. For example there are churches is so many places in such a close proximity... they just aren't all LDS Churches haha :D
Washington is a lot more diverse culture wise. For the first time I have heard of and met Marshalese people from the Marshal Islands that are around Australia. They are similar to the Samoan or Tongan people. One part of their culture is you shouldnt leave a household without having a gift. It is usually a bottle of water. Some of the Marshalese people only speak Marshalese so it is hard to teach sometimes. I am learning new words one at a time haha. We had a great experience where we visited a family and a couple sang us a song in marshalese. A very simple Duet. The marsalese priest (young man) who was with us told us what it was about. Suffice it to say, it was about John 3:16.

We experience and see miracles all of the time while on the Lords errand. 
1) We were going to an appointment and went to talk to a guy and he was not very friendly and sent us on our way quickly. After the appointment we went to thank him for telling us where to go. His son was there and he had a foam sword from a popular game that a lot of folks are playing now a days including me. I proceeded to talk to his 10 year old kid about that game and he really opened up to us and we were able to set up an appointment to visit him and teach him a lesson. Had I been there at this right time on this mission, he would not have opened up to us. I am really grateful for that testimony that I am here in Washington State because Heavenly Father needs ME to help His children and my brothers. The Lord calls you on a mission. Not generic missionary #75,827. He needs you.
2) We had a dinner with a slighlty less active family in our ward. They told their amazing stories of their conversions and how they came to know the gospel is true. The spirit was so present. Elder Graham bore heartfelt testimony that Heavenly Father is there and loves you. That He needs you to help feed his sheep and help. As we left we said "see ya at church tomorrow!" They said they wouldnt be able to make it.... because a Seahawks game was going on. We left saddened that they would let sports become such a priority. We prayed and hoped they would come to church and be pricked by the spirit. At church the next day we were giddy to see that they had made it! :D

I appreciate the movie "17 Miracles." In the Movie they didnt list out what each miracle was that happened. We could see miracles ourselves, but the movie directors didnt tell us which miracle was number 4 or number 8. They left it up to us to decide and see the miracles that happened in the movie. There were more than simply 17 miracles in that movie though. Just as with the movie, there are more than 17 miracles in our lives. I exhort you to look at your life and recognize those miracles. God doesnt list those miracles we have as "miracle number 5 of the day." He leaves it up to us to look with Heavenly Eye and a perspective of gratitude to see what He has blessed us with.

I love it here. I love being on a mission. I encourage you to listen to this inspiring video.

 Elder Sumsion

Monday, December 8, 2014

Elder Nelson and I both got haircuts this morning :D

​I got this package today, Thanks for all the candy Grandma and Grandpa Sumsion! :D
Fact and History in the making: My very first true selfie.

Elder Garrison and I
I love it :D
This is something Elder Gardner drew on the whiteboard in our classroom. I titled it for him. It is really great.

​This is Elder Elder. He is a great Elder. He says that I remind him of Elder Calhoun. Elder Elder is not in my zone, but on the same residence floor.

Season 1: MTC. Episode 3: "Adventure is out there!"‏

Howdy 'yall!
I never realized how unique (at least from my interactions with other Brothers and Sisters from around the world) saying "Howdy" is. I really do enjoy saying it and it is for sure apart of who I am. :D
This has been a great last week. Most missionaries don't get to stay and extra week and the whole district is as well. We have all grown so much in this time here.
The new district's came in on Wednesday. There were two districts. A total of 4 sisters and 4 elders in district B and 8 Elders in district A. Elder Nelson and I were able to hold a "welcome meeting" on Wednesday. We talked and made sure they knew that they were welcome, safe, loved, and that they had a friend.
The next morning the whole zone was able to meet together and practice teaching. We were able to be great examples to them, and ourselves, of how much the MTC has changed us.

One of the most valuable things to me that has changed the way I taught is the fundamental of

"Teach Lessons, Not People."

It is so amazing. This how Christ taught and I would you encourage you to study and ponder the following to be able to understand it better. Studying these things would not only invite the spirit to teach you how to become a new missionary, it will also help you come closer unto Christ.
PMG = Preach My Gospel
-"Statement on Missionary Work" PMG 29-30
-Alma 18
-"Listen" PMG 185-186
-"Ask Questions" PMG 183-184
-D&C 50:13-22
-"Adjust your teaching to meet needs" PMG 177-178

I promise you all of that would make for a wonderful study session.

Tomorrow morning at 3:30 am I leave the MTC for Washington State. I am so excited. The Spirit that teaches me is key for helping me become who I am supposed to be. I love the Gospel.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is in the Missionary Purpose. 

I have had many firsts over the past three weeks (including my first selfie). I would encourage you all to watch this video found on
and Share the Gift. Jesus Christ is the true reason for this season. 

I guess today I am a little short of words for some reason. Just know that a personal testimony is vital to conversion unto The Lord. I encourage you as well to read the last two paragraphs of the introduction to The Book of Mormon. I know that you "[will] get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." I leave you with my Testimony of that and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, December 1, 2014

My District. Comps have same number.
Back Row: Elder Sumsion 1 Elder Nelson 1 Elder Odell 2 Elder Czarnecki (pronounced zar-neck-eee) 2 Elder Sleight (pro. slight) 3 Elder Gardner 3
Front Row: Elder Young 4 Elder Bohne (pro. bonnie)

I discovered this on a Christmas tree in the main lobby

All of my ties I brought. I was able to wear a new tie each day until today 12/1. I wore them starting with the Red on the right, then yellow... to the spotted blue on the left.

Thanks for all the snacks! The District and I really enjoy them :D

This is when Elder Nelson and I heard about "Narnia Holes" and discovered one in our room.

Season 1: MTC. Episode 2:‏ Powerful Days

Howdy all! I love it still!
It has been probably the longest 12 days of my life, but I enjoy it! Its only 1:21 pm today on Monday and it already feels like its Wednesday! :D
This week has been eventful. So many things.
First off let me tell you it is a small world. Last Sunday I talked to a Branch President while waiting in line for Ice-cream. He is over district 1. He also used to be principle over in Nebo school district. I asked if he knew Becky Rosenlof and he did! He was her principle while she was working there. He even pulled out his cellular device and showed me her number in his contacts.
Elder Nelson and I taught a member lesson earlier this week and his name was Clement. He was from Springville. I asked him if he knew Sumsion's and eventually I found out he knows my Grandma and Grandpa Sumsion! He is in their ward area. Its all so great. I am getting to love everybody everywhere more and enjoying talking to other children of God.
All of our Zone is pretty much gone. District 50 B left today (and tomorrow) and 50 C left last week. Since we are three week missionaries (for some reason) we leave next Tuesday.
Since Elder Nelson and I are now officially Zone leaders we now have the opportunity to welcome the new missionaries coming in this Wednesday. Its so exciting! Some of them are going to my Brothers (Elder Browning) mission! We cant wait to help them make the transmission into missionary life.
Another great thing happened this week. We all got to hear from 2 Apostles within 48 hours! :D
For the Tuesday night devotional we heard from Elder Oaks and on Thursday morning we heard from Elder Bednar! It really was so awesome. Elder Bednar did this Q&A sort of thing. A mission is really so great and enjoyable, but it isn't without its tough parts.
On Thanksgiving we had a Thanksgiving Dinner. Its was nice. We had a normal sack lunch for dinner.
Sorry for all of my lack luster commentary. I know "it was nice" doesn't bring a great perspective.
Thursday night we did a service project and watched a Thanksgiving program. We also watched Meet the Mormons. During the Thanksgiving program we watched the video of the Elders singing in General Conference. They played the song "Ye Elders of Israel." It was emotional, in a good sorta way, seeing Elder Tyler Sumsion and Elder Jeffrey Prows singing in the choir.
Before we started Meet the Mormons, (by the way, watching it with a whole bunch of missionaries is the best way so far for me to watch it) all the us were singing primary Hymns. Most missionaries let their inner primary child come out at that point. Actions and everything were done with all the songs. So funny :D
Concerning choir I was able to sing at Elder Oaks' devotional. We sang an arrangement of "Nearer My God to Thee." It really was beautiful. The high loud point of "So by my woes to be, Nearer my God to thee" was grand. We were told the back story of the song by Brother Abbot. If any of you don't know the story about it, I would encourage you to learn about it. Read the scriptures the song references at the bottom of the page to find out.

This gospel is so true. Satan really slips in little doubts all the time, but always remember "Doubt your Doubts before you doubt your faith." If you truly have a testimony of The Book of Mormon, that means everything else is true. I encourage you all to watch Elder Hollands talk "Safety for the Soul." 

It is powerful.

I leave you with my testimony that I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and I exhort you to read it with a sincere heart pray to know if it is true. I promise you that the promise of Moroni 10:3-5 is true. Christs call of "Come unto Me" NEVER changes. Any wrongs or turning away from God can be forgiven and true repentance can happen. I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.