"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, December 1, 2014

Season 1: MTC. Episode 2:‏ Powerful Days

Howdy all! I love it still!
It has been probably the longest 12 days of my life, but I enjoy it! Its only 1:21 pm today on Monday and it already feels like its Wednesday! :D
This week has been eventful. So many things.
First off let me tell you it is a small world. Last Sunday I talked to a Branch President while waiting in line for Ice-cream. He is over district 1. He also used to be principle over in Nebo school district. I asked if he knew Becky Rosenlof and he did! He was her principle while she was working there. He even pulled out his cellular device and showed me her number in his contacts.
Elder Nelson and I taught a member lesson earlier this week and his name was Clement. He was from Springville. I asked him if he knew Sumsion's and eventually I found out he knows my Grandma and Grandpa Sumsion! He is in their ward area. Its all so great. I am getting to love everybody everywhere more and enjoying talking to other children of God.
All of our Zone is pretty much gone. District 50 B left today (and tomorrow) and 50 C left last week. Since we are three week missionaries (for some reason) we leave next Tuesday.
Since Elder Nelson and I are now officially Zone leaders we now have the opportunity to welcome the new missionaries coming in this Wednesday. Its so exciting! Some of them are going to my Brothers (Elder Browning) mission! We cant wait to help them make the transmission into missionary life.
Another great thing happened this week. We all got to hear from 2 Apostles within 48 hours! :D
For the Tuesday night devotional we heard from Elder Oaks and on Thursday morning we heard from Elder Bednar! It really was so awesome. Elder Bednar did this Q&A sort of thing. A mission is really so great and enjoyable, but it isn't without its tough parts.
On Thanksgiving we had a Thanksgiving Dinner. Its was nice. We had a normal sack lunch for dinner.
Sorry for all of my lack luster commentary. I know "it was nice" doesn't bring a great perspective.
Thursday night we did a service project and watched a Thanksgiving program. We also watched Meet the Mormons. During the Thanksgiving program we watched the video of the Elders singing in General Conference. They played the song "Ye Elders of Israel." It was emotional, in a good sorta way, seeing Elder Tyler Sumsion and Elder Jeffrey Prows singing in the choir.
Before we started Meet the Mormons, (by the way, watching it with a whole bunch of missionaries is the best way so far for me to watch it) all the us were singing primary Hymns. Most missionaries let their inner primary child come out at that point. Actions and everything were done with all the songs. So funny :D
Concerning choir I was able to sing at Elder Oaks' devotional. We sang an arrangement of "Nearer My God to Thee." It really was beautiful. The high loud point of "So by my woes to be, Nearer my God to thee" was grand. We were told the back story of the song by Brother Abbot. If any of you don't know the story about it, I would encourage you to learn about it. Read the scriptures the song references at the bottom of the page to find out.

This gospel is so true. Satan really slips in little doubts all the time, but always remember "Doubt your Doubts before you doubt your faith." If you truly have a testimony of The Book of Mormon, that means everything else is true. I encourage you all to watch Elder Hollands talk "Safety for the Soul." 

It is powerful.

I leave you with my testimony that I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and I exhort you to read it with a sincere heart pray to know if it is true. I promise you that the promise of Moroni 10:3-5 is true. Christs call of "Come unto Me" NEVER changes. Any wrongs or turning away from God can be forgiven and true repentance can happen. I say that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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