"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, December 22, 2014

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 2: #Sharethegift‏

Yokwe! That is the way Marshalese people greet each other. It is pronounced "yaw-kway." 

Happy Christmas in a few days! 
Missionary work is so exciting around Christmas time. Elder Graham and I have been caroling and singing at almost every door we knock at. Its such and adventure! Elder Graham and I have been put together for a reason.

Here are some "Small World Moments" that I have not mentioned.
-On my flight to Washington I sat next to Sister Parsons who is also serving in Washington Federal Way. While talking to her I found out that she used to work with my friend Andy Smith at Papajohns. It was totally crazy and amazing to me that I just happened to be sitting next to a missionary who knew him. It was really great.
-Another moment was also at the airport. There was a visa waiter flying with us to Washington to wait in our mission. It is Sister Li. After talking for a little bit I recognized her last name as a friend from High Schools last name. She is Simon Li's sister. He is currently serving his mission now. I actually saw him one time when Tyler Howarth and I were leaving the temple from doing baptism's.
-A visa waiter arrived into a companionship staying in the same apartment complex as Elder Graham and I. Elder Smith is his name and he is visa waiting for Taiwan, Taipei. He knew Elder Sumsion, my cousin, in the MTC. 
-Lastly at a ward Christmas Breakfast on the 13th this month while greeting lots of new people I met a Robert Allred. He recognized the last name and asked if I knew a Jared Sumsion (who is my uncle). I sure did haha! He knew Jared when he was the Student Body President at UVU.

Being on a mission really helps you grow so much. I have not been in a comfort zone while here. "There is no growth in a comfort zone and there is no comfort in a growth zone." You definitely get stretched and pulled while serving. A great Mormon Message talks about this very concept.
Its called "The Refiners Fire." You should look it up and watch it. 

If you havent given away all of your "He is the gift" pass along cards I would definitely encourage you to do so. You wont regret it. Pray for an opportunity to give at least one of them away. Share it with a neighbor or friend. Share it on your Facebook wall. Send an email to a coworker. There are so many opportunities. 
#Sharethegift If there is anything that could get me to start using "hashtags" it would be the church haha :D I have noticed as we have involved members in our work they are blessed with the missionary spirit and it is a good feeling. As we have involved members in the missionary work they are blessed with a great excitement, spirit, and zeal. You to can feel that spirit if you act. "You will receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

I am so grateful for your support and gifts while I am on a mission. I love each of you sincerely. Christs call is always "Come Unto Me." You are always welcome.

Elder Sumsion

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