"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, December 8, 2014

Season 1: MTC. Episode 3: "Adventure is out there!"‏

Howdy 'yall!
I never realized how unique (at least from my interactions with other Brothers and Sisters from around the world) saying "Howdy" is. I really do enjoy saying it and it is for sure apart of who I am. :D
This has been a great last week. Most missionaries don't get to stay and extra week and the whole district is as well. We have all grown so much in this time here.
The new district's came in on Wednesday. There were two districts. A total of 4 sisters and 4 elders in district B and 8 Elders in district A. Elder Nelson and I were able to hold a "welcome meeting" on Wednesday. We talked and made sure they knew that they were welcome, safe, loved, and that they had a friend.
The next morning the whole zone was able to meet together and practice teaching. We were able to be great examples to them, and ourselves, of how much the MTC has changed us.

One of the most valuable things to me that has changed the way I taught is the fundamental of

"Teach Lessons, Not People."

It is so amazing. This how Christ taught and I would you encourage you to study and ponder the following to be able to understand it better. Studying these things would not only invite the spirit to teach you how to become a new missionary, it will also help you come closer unto Christ.
PMG = Preach My Gospel
-"Statement on Missionary Work" PMG 29-30
-Alma 18
-"Listen" PMG 185-186
-"Ask Questions" PMG 183-184
-D&C 50:13-22
-"Adjust your teaching to meet needs" PMG 177-178

I promise you all of that would make for a wonderful study session.

Tomorrow morning at 3:30 am I leave the MTC for Washington State. I am so excited. The Spirit that teaches me is key for helping me become who I am supposed to be. I love the Gospel.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is in the Missionary Purpose. 

I have had many firsts over the past three weeks (including my first selfie). I would encourage you all to watch this video found on
and Share the Gift. Jesus Christ is the true reason for this season. 

I guess today I am a little short of words for some reason. Just know that a personal testimony is vital to conversion unto The Lord. I encourage you as well to read the last two paragraphs of the introduction to The Book of Mormon. I know that you "[will] get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." I leave you with my Testimony of that and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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