"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 8: Grand Days of My Life‏

Howdy and hello!
P-day is on Tuesday again because the other half of the Federal Way Mission is going to the temple. Next week it will be Monday.
Here is what I have done throughout the days.
Tuesday the27th:  At night we visited a recent convert family of almost a year, the Sheaharts. We are helping the family become more Christlike and to help their home be a place of refuge and of love. They have been less active since their baptism and haven't experience a full conversion. Recently with the help of the Senior Sisters in our area and them keeping commitments to pray and read The Book of Mormon everyday together as a family they are making some steady progress and coming back to church. They wanted their homes dedicated so we invited them to fast on Friday so we can have the spirit and a great start to their new dedicated home. We were set to come back on Saturday.
Wednesday the 28th: We met with Brother Jamias and his family and taught him the Book of Mormon again. We went in depth and really expanded his horizon on how deep and great the scriptures are. He has a desire and hunger to feast from them.
Thursday the 29th: We met with Kevin for the second time. He is a really solid investigator we have. He is very intelligent and very analytical. We taught him The Book of Mormon and he clearly understood the concept of it being the keystone to our religion. He accepted to read it.
Friday the 30th: We met with Eddie for the second time as well and taught him about The Book of Mormon. He is black and makes some funny remarks sometimes while we teach and goes on a little tangent. We contacted into him and have only taught him the first lesson. We invited him to read it. We also started to fast after dinner for the Sheaharts.
Saturday the 31st: We had many many appointments set up for this day, so we were super excited about it. We literally had appointments of stuff to do for every hour between 11am- 8pm. In our planning the night before I named this day the "Fasting Power Packed Day of Power Appointments."  We ended our fast for the Sheaharts after dinner and was able to go over and dedicate their home. They asked me to dedicate it so I did. The day went well, even though about half of our scheduled things got cancelled or didn't show up haha. It was still a wonderful day despite that trial.
Sunday the 1st: The Super Bowl happened. We had a great day and even at the end of the day, President Eaton sent out a voice blast (a voicemail sent to all the missionaries in the whole mission) about how the game is now over and the results come in, that we could use this opportunity to visit some people "Now after this has all been done and over, what is the true meaning of life?" haha.
Monday the 2nd: In the morning we all did an awesome service project. We were at a members house and we were clearing out a hedge that had gotten attacked by black berry bush, a weed in the northwestern states. The plant when un kept grows huge and is naturally very very thorny. It was such an adventure to have about 11 or 13 Elders in my zone attack and defend the hedge from the bush. We cleared a path around the hedge. It was lots of work, but awesome and a great adventure. Adventures are out there and there are opportunities to have them every day. You just have to do it.
What I listed wasn't everything we did. You sure do a lot as a missionary.
Elder Sumsion

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