"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 10: Priorities.‏

Howdy! I don't have a lot of time today like usual, but I will definitely try to write you something of substance. I will ultimately pray and follow what the spirit prompts me to write.
Hugh did not end up getting baptized, but that is all good. He fell back on the Word of Wisdom, but is trying again harder with a new conviction to try harder and do better this time. One of the big things that our mission goes for is conversion before baptism. We don't want to baptize people if they are just going to go inactive or deny the church. As missionaries in the Washington Federal Way Mission it is one of our standards of excellence to help those we teach experience a lasting conversion and endure to the end.
There are most definitely people that we meet and see that we could baptize, but baptism is not the destination we have in mind. Baptism is a gate that everyone has to take on their journey exaltation.
We are helping Hugh experience a true and lasting conversion, and he is making excellent progress in that direction. I want Hugh to endure to the end more than I want a figurative gold star on my chest for getting another baptism on my mission. Currently we have Hugh working towards the goal of March 7th.
The weather is really great! Its been really sunny and shiny the past couple of weeks. I hear that throughout the country that some places are experiencing the worst storms since the 1790's or sometime old like that.
Zone Conference happened recently! If you don't know what that is, imagine a wonderful (not sarcasm. I loved it.) about 7 hour spiritual feast. Our mission president teaches us and we get to talk, role-play, discuss, and be taught by the spirit. I loved it so much! My hands could not keep up with how much I was learning and wanting to remember. Those notes I take give me a great idea of things I can improve on and practice.
One of the great things I was able to take out from it is more ideas and goals about how to improve my prayers.
My prayers have improved so much. Not that I didn't like saying them before, but now I really want to! I have such a desire to communicate with my Father in Heaven like no other time before in my life!
I would encourage you to study the bible dictionary entry for prayer and Preach My Gospel pages 93-95. The section is entitled "Pray with Faith."
I would love to hear some of your thoughts and things you learned when you get to study it.
I love being on a mission. Best decision and thing I have done in my life.
Elder Sumsion

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