"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, February 23, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 11:‏

Its hard to tell, but our theme for our ties that day was "pastel" :D
In the future, I am pretty sure I want to try like a one sentence email. It would be something maybe 10 words, but I would have thought a ton about them a whole bunch and will have carefully crafted it together.

Currently we have 3 solid progressing investigators.
Hugh, Bob, and Kevin. 
Hugh is progressing super great. He has been solid on the word of wisdom and keeping it. He is still trying to get Sunday off for work so he can go to church. Our ward employment specialist is helping and Hugh is having great results. We are praying for him to be able to obtain a great job that allows him to attend church or for the necessary changes to happen so he can go. Hugh fully recognizes that church is important and that keeping the Sabbath day holy is a commandment and is trying to make the changes to live that commandment.
Bob is brother Jamias' father in-law. He is really awesome and very close to being baptized. He wants to be baptized and has had tons of influence with the church already. He understands a lot and comes to church. We are helping him understand more about the gospel and inspiring him to live the commandments. He has some Word of Wisdom issues that we are trying to help him through.
Kevin is a very intelligent and analytically. We are helping him understand and recognize The Holy Ghost and helping him exercise some faith. We have finished the first 3 lessons with him and we are very excited to start teaching him the commandments to give him those opportunities to show some faith and act. We had a great lesson on Saturday after a baptism we attended with him where he really expressed himself and we were able to gain a greater grasp on his progress. It was amazing.

I was sick yesterday. I woke up in the morning and didn't feel super great and after we got back from church for lunch I rested. Since we were in a trio, I was able to be dropped off at our Ward Mission Leaders home (the Smith's) and rest while Elder Graham and Buchanan were out and about. I am feeling pretty good now and am excited to get back to proselyting missionary work. It was a very different experience to be not going out and about. Its so different and I am very glad to be back up and out and about. 

Things are wonderful and I am growing and progressing so much.
I hope all is well in your spheres.
Elder Sumsion

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