"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, August 10, 2015

Season 6: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 5:The Lord Needs You, Not Robot Missionary 2000

This week is another one of those week where I am not 100% sure of what to write.
I figure I might as well include this contacting experience that we had yesterday, or really the beginning.
In contacting what we are encouraged to connect, meaning say "Hi," be friendly and interested, then tie to connect that to truths of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then after we connect to the restoration, we bear testimony so the spirit is invited and invite them to meet with us (or depending on the situation just start teaching them right then and there).
In this case yesterday we were walking by a man and some others who looked rough and others who were with him. Because Jesus Christ loves all of Gods children and He suffered and died for them, we talk to everyone we see and invite them, including this man who looked a little rough. I wasn't sure how to connect with him, other than I saw a Pikachu doll in the front part of his truck so I asked if it was his. I then tied the playing of Pokémon and gaining experience in that game to level up you Pokémon to the doctrine that we need to work hard to find answers to our questions. Joseph Smith didn't just casually think about what church was right, he worked hard! He searched and investigated the churches, he read the Bible searching, seeking, and studying for answers, and then he prayed with the intent in a grove near his home to act on the answer he would receive.
We talked to this fellow, he name was Chris, for a long time. I don't know exactly how long, but enough time for him to take a cigarette out of his truck, light it, smoke it, throw it into the back of his truck, and listen to us for at least 3 more minutes. He didn't accept our invitation to come by and tell him about how the Book of Mormon has come into our possession, but he did accept a copy of the Book of Mormon and said he would eventually read it.
Chris and another contact we talked to we actually talked to for a long while. Both of them had concerns or questions and ideas to bash about, but we cant really resolve those. All we can do is testify and invite. We don't do any of the conversion to any investigator on our missions. That is the spirits job.
Things are really great companionship wise. I like to sing Hymns a lot (like Love at Home, I'm Trying to Be like Jesus, More Holiness Give Me, and so on)in the apartment for multiple reasons. Elder Meads though got rather annoyed and has asked me to stop multiple because it bothers him. Yesterday night though was so amazing when out of the blue Elder Meads after planning and journal writing and everything like that just told me that I could sing and that he would try and be more patient. I was so grateful for that and appreciate, but also touched because of that. It sounds really simple, but it was honestly such a wonderful key indicator and was very very meaningful to me.
Love you all! This week is the last week of the Transfer. Elder Meads has his visa and is leaving to the Netherlands a week from today, so this will be my last week with him. Transfer wise I will probably stay here unless the area(s) will be whitewashed.
Letters are very appreciated and loved. My address will stay the same for my whole mission so no worry about it changing.
Bye Y'all!
Elder Sumsion

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