"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Season 6: Glacier/Wilderness. Episode 6: Big Changes.

 Me after digging and shoveling dirt for about 3 hours in the rain :D

Brother and Sister Young with Elder Meads and Elder Sumsion

 A selfie on the airport roof with the Office Elders who drove us to the airport

Them trying to get the ticket machine figured out (I really like Elder Green :D)
Dear Family, Friends, and whoever may be reading this,
Things are really very swell and I have had a wonderful last week of the transfer. There are a lot of things I could talk about, but I will focus on 2 or 3 things.
On Sunday Brother and Sister Loftus were able to come to church. Sister Loftus is doing so wonderful in investigating and learning more. We had a lesson earlier in the week and she was a little hesitant about committing to a baptismal date and she told us she would bring it up again when she wanted to do it, but we did commit her pray about it and read Mosiah 18:5-17. At Church she came to gospel principles and that was really swell. I loved it and I am glad we came. After it, I overheard her talking to a member and she said this phrase (which is a VERY VERY HAPPY phrase to hear as a missionary) "When I am baptized _____." Its great to hear. Then later on that same day we had a mission devotional and there was a lot of focus from 4 recent converts testimonies about baptism and accepting the gospel. It was a powerful meeting and when I went to talk to Sister Loftus about how she liked it, she was asking me the question of "So when do you do baptisms? Like every month or...?" She talked about how she would want her family to be there and other details. She still wasn't committing to a date, but she is getting baptized. I wasn't able to relay everything quite how it happened, but it is super happy and great to hear.
Yesterday I traveled with the Office Elders to the Sea-Tac Airport and we dropped off Elder Meads. Elder Meads has changed a lot throughout these past 5 and a half weeks and he really left a much different missionary. He has a lot of great skills especially in talking to people. Usually new missionaries have a problem with talking to people or during lessons, but Elder Meads did not. I was definitely not a perfect trainer for him, but I am grateful that through grace and repentance I was able to be apart of helping him find his road to becoming a fourth missionary (see talk "The Fourth Missionary" by Elder Corbridge).
Concerning transfers, which are happening today, I am staying in Glacier Park and Lake Wilderness' wards which will be some wonderful more time spent here. By the end of this transfer I will have spent 6 months here which has been wonderful for me because I have been able to see so much growth in these wards! I am going to be training again this transfer as well. Our mission has been getting a lot more missionaries than we are used to, so more and more missionaries are being called to trained who have never trained before. These past 6 weeks have been so great for me and I am approaching this coming transfer motivated to do my best and be focused on my missionary purpose.
Last night I had another lesson with the Loftus' and we taught the Word of Wisdom. Sister Loftus' only issue is that she likes to drink coffee very occasionally. We (their home teacher and I)` worked on helping her understanding the doctrine behind the Word of Wisdom. She understands about why its import and that she cant be baptized without  living it, so she committed to pray about living it. We are going by next week and giving her a blessing that she will be able live it and receive that strength. It will be a will be a great opportunity to exercise faith to live this doctrine and I know that when she does, she will begin to feel the amazing difference that it will make in her life.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true and I don't doubt that. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, not because I have been told it a thousand and one times, because I have prayed about it. I asked in faith (James 1:5) and I have received a spiritual confirmation that he is. I know it and that if you don't have this spiritual witness, you should pray and show the faith NOW to receive it. That knowledge will change your life. Give place for that seed in your heart (Alma 32). I know Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that without Him I would be stuck in this existence with no hope of progression. It is literally only through Christ and exercising faith in Him, repenting daily, being baptized and renewing our covenants weekly, always striving to have the Holy Ghost with you and choosing to follow Him, and by doing those things for the rest of our life that we will be able to receive Gods greatest gift (Moses 1:39).
Have a wonderful week and ponder about your own testimony. If you ask God on if you are pleasing Him in whatever work you are in, whether if you are a missionary, mother, or CEO of a major company, He will give you an answer and prompt you of more ways that you can be happier.
Elder Sumsion

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