"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, August 24, 2015

Season 7: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 1: *Insert Title*

This is a family that got baptized in the Clark Lake Ward on Saturday and I got to go to the baptism. Elder Buchanan and I found them while we were together and it was wonderful being able to go to a baptism. Its been really long for me, but there should be more sooner and more frequently :D

A 1st night selfie with Elder Asper. Good Stuff :D

Just a silly photo of last Monday when I was in a trio with the Lake Lucerne Elders and we were doing service.

Dear Family and Friends,

​I don't have tons of time today, but know that this week has been super duper wonderful.
I am a trainer still as mentioned in the last email. I am training Elder Apser an amazing progressing missionary. He sings, teaches simply, and is willing to learn. He is from Salina, Utah and graduated this year. He has a lot of faith. His faith at praying for specific people for us to find and teach works miracles in our area. On Saturday we went out to contact and the first people we talked to asked us what we did and were very open for us coming by when we invited them. We have gotten so many potentials this week and I believe it is in part to Elder Aspers diligence in specifically praying for and asking for people to teach. He is homesick, but is working VERY hard to overcome it.
A great experience was when on Friday we were walking around contacting and we talked to a guy I had been talking to and the missionaries before me for at least 4 and a half months and he had always just been the kind of guy who would let us say hi, but not let us teach him.
Well on Friday, when we invited him if we could come by he accepted! I was so happy and he asked to come by the next day! So many great things going on. On Saturday we came by and taught him and his wife which went really well. Not committed to be baptized, but he is on his way as long as he exercises faith and sincerely asks about our message. As a missionary we promise a lot of things and it takes personal experience and testimony to do that. I cant just tell someone that if they read The Book of Mormon which passion and conviction if I don't do it myself, nor can I promise them that they will receive a witness of its truthfulness if I haven't done that myself.
Those promises are absolute and I know that if you read The Book of Mormon with a  sincere heart and real intent, you will receive an answer. Its a fact. Some people will tell me that they read The Book of Mormon, but didn't receive a witness. Its not because the promise is wrong, but because they didn't meet the promise. God always keeps His promises and if when we meet the requirements we will receive those gifts. In reading The Book of Mormon, we need to be sincere in our asking and searching.
Anyway, I don't have a lot of time left and I don't have a lot of specifics to cover or things to mention. I hope all I wrote made sense, as I don't spend the time I have to review it.
Loftus' are doing great. Brother Loftus missed church due to other conflicts, but Sister Loftus came anyway. Things are going on great there and we are really excited for a Family Home Evening lesson we have set up with them tonight at a Members Home. It should go wonderfully and should be a great pivot in her conversion.
Work hard.
 "Their-in Lies Happiness" :D
Elder Sumsion

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