"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Season 10: North Tapps. Episode 1:The Time for Christ.

Howdy Howdy! It is an amazing time of the year for remembering Christ because more people start to do it than normal. One of the tracting approaches our President said we could try out is just inviting people to come to church because the Sunday before Christmas is usually when people who usually don't go come. We invited a lot of people to come and we had 3 less actives come to church which was super duper happy! All it took was an invitation to come, remembering to follow up, and actually doing it. Really that is the key to missionary work. Invite people to do things and follow up.

We haven't been able to make contact with Martha and Aida for a while, but yesterday we were able to talk to Aida at her door. We decided to go tract out her whole neighborhood to find her so we just "happen" to run into her. It worked. Preach My Gospel says "There are many honorable ways to find people to teach." :D She said she is going to come to church this Sunday and also that she has just been super duper busy with work. She was open to scheduling something, so we set up an appointment on Christmas to teach her which is going to be great!

Last night we were tracting in this huge neighborhood that is huge, but very hard to find without a map. We knocked around in a cul-de-sac and ran into a less active man. He said we could come back later and was very friendly. His records aren't even in the ward, so it was great that we ran into him. Its really insightful to see how we are used as missionaries to bring back those who have gotten astray back into the fold. 

You meet a lot of interesting people while tracting around here in Washington... I remember my seminary teacher Brother Jepsen who lived here in Washington as an apartment manager telling us stories about one crazy man who talked a lot about aliens and them coming to get him. I thought "sure you see and hear of people like that in the movies, but there aren't really people like that." There certainly are people like that I can tell you! 

In the end, this week has been pretty slow, but things are going to be picking up. Elder Nelson and I are going to be following up a lot more with potential investigators we find and that will certainly yield fruit. We are most certainly going to have baptisms in the coming months as we invite more and more people!

Happy Christmas y'all! Don't forget to invite one of your friends specifically on social media or in person to look at christmas.mormon.org. Invite someone to watch it and follow up later to see how they liked it. Be sure to just try it!

Elder Sumsion

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