"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Season 9: North Tapps. Episode 4:#ASaviorIsBorn

A selfie with President Eaton and Elder Nelson while at our apartment.

Elder Nelson and I at Mission Leadership Council at the Mission Home.
Hello Friends and Family!

This week Elder Nelson and I had the opportunity to go on exchanges with President Eaton! It was only for 4 hours, but each of those hours were fantastic. He ate dinner with us at our apartment and then we went out finding. One of the things that I really looked forward to was seeing President Eaton tract and learn from his example. Towards the end of the evening as I was reflecting on what I learned I recognized that I was being way to hard on myself about how I did in tracting. When someone would say no it didn't seem to phase him at all. I am sure he still has things he wants to fix and do better, but he doesn't spend to much time on how it went. As I focus more on pleasing God more than myself in the way I tract and not myself, that is where I will find true success and more fruit. I am working on being less hard on myself when things go poorly and I am glad to learn from Presidents example.

I am out of time again and I would love to share more with you and I got to go. I am doing well and striving to be a progressing missionary. Love you all! Share the gospel with someone this week! It is literally the best gift you can give this Christmas season. Just try it this way!

Go to your Facebook friend list and pray about who you can specifically share christmas.mormon.org with and the video on it "A Savior is Born." Then send them a message with the link letting them know why you like it!
Its super simple and I challenge you to do it.

Elder Sumsion

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