"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Season 9: North Tapps. Episode 5:

 Two trees that fell over in the storm that totaled 2 cars and damaged 3 others. Elders in our Zone had permission to help out with this to help clean up. It was some good work!

In order starting from the left, Elders Kelley, Dalley, Perkins, Sumsion, R. Nelson, Z. Nelson, Kidwell, and Cabrera

The roots for one of the tree's that fell over.

Elder Nelson and I did it! Bacon Pancakes!!!!

This is a picture from exchanges with the Assistants. This was my first apartment
and it still is super duper small compared to the other places I have served in.
That is Elder Berkheimer on the ground.

​Howdy! I figure instead of telling to every time how little amount of time I have to type these emails, I am will instead spend that time typing it because that lack of time happens pretty consistently.

I have a lot of pictures to send so this email is pretty long because "A picture is worth a thousand words." Its tough because I can only send 2 at a time, so sorry about the barrage of emails. There was a pretty bad windstorm on Wednesday morning and as a result President Eaton gave permission for missionaries to go around and look for service opportunities and have other missionaries come and help. That happened in our Zone where two trees fell over and did some huge damage to 2 cars totaling them and damaging 3 others. Missionaries in our Zone helped out and the following emails are pictures.

This week we were able to go on exchanges with the Assistants. They Assistant area is Clark Lake where I started my mission or my first area! This week also celebrated the 1 year of being in the mission field. And guess what? I went back to Clark Lake on an exchange into my area 1 year exactly from when I got there! It was so great! I enjoyed it so much and learning from Elder Berkheimers great example.

A family we taught last week dropped us, but we did find a great former last night who seems really promising. We are going to be having our next lesson in the Puyallup Family Discovery Center next week. Its going great!

Love you all! Things are wonderful here in Washington! Share the video! I havent forgotten of what I have invited you to do, just try it out!


Elder Sumsion

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