"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, April 11, 2016

Season 12: Skyway A. Episode 3

Us at one point during interviews with President Eaton on Friday.

This is the Renton Zone currently
Here is a quickity quick low down for this week!

Monday the 4th: While we were eating at Dairy Queen there was this man who was talking to us and kept on trying to get us to argue with him. He was talking about all those controversial things that people usually bring up and we just responded with simple "Thank-you's" when he would compliment us and simple "Okay's." We didn't say much, but it was a great thing because we left Dairy-Queen feeling the Spirit. It didn't leave us, because we chose not to act in a way the would offend it.

Tuesday the 5th: I was practicing a lot a goal I have which is to be more grateful for others success'. For example when Elder John would receive a compliment I have been trying to think "That's wonderful, he really  great at that" rather than thinking "aren't a good at that?" Why didn't I get a compliment on that?" Its been great as I have been striving to change with Christs help that natural trait in me. Elder Holland shared a quote in his talk "The Other Prodigal" about this idea. (Its a great talk on pride. Check it out if you want help on that! https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2002/04/the-other-prodigal?lang=eng  )

"One observer has written: “In a world that constantly compares people, ranking them as more or less intelligent, more or less attractive, more or less successful, it is not easy to really believe in a [divine] love that does not do the same. When I hear someone praised,” he says, “it is hard not to think of myself as less praiseworthy; when I read about the goodness and kindness of other people, it is hard not to wonder whether I myself am as good and kind as they; and when I see trophies, rewards, and prizes being handed out to special people, I cannot avoid asking myself why that didn’t happen to me.” If left unresisted, we can see how this inclination so embellished by the world will ultimately bring a resentful, demeaning view of God and a terribly destructive view of ourselves. Most “thou shalt not” commandments are meant to keep us from hurting others, but I am convinced the commandment not to covet is meant to keep us from hurting ourselves."

Sorry I am running out of time. Gin is progressing well! He is our first progressing investigator in my time here in Skyway. We are still teaching super duper simple! We have been doing one concept a lesson where normally we would do the whole lesson.

Elder John and I are experiencing many more blessings and I am honestly just super happy and smiley! I love being a missionary and becoming more like Christ!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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