"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, April 25, 2016

Season 12: Skyway A. Episode 5:Progression

his is Elder John, Elder Sanders, Elder Samuelsen, and I at their apartment.
This haircut is one I did myself!

This is the board on one of the churches we drive by often haha.


Elder Sanders in the zone had a bike accident where he dislocated both of his elbows, so he needed to stay in for a couple of days. One days I stayed inside for the day to be with him while his companion went out and worked. During that time on one of those days I had a goal to call a lot of folks from the area book. I did that and it took some work! I called a total of 66 numbers. Out of those 66, 47 of them either picked up the phone and I talked to them or I left a voicemail. Out of those 47, we got 3 return appointments and 2 pretty promising ones we need to follow up with. I enjoyed getting back in the phone drill as I worked in a call center for a security company before my mission. It was some fun stuffs!!

Gin is a super duper busy fellow and as a result he needed to reschedule our appointment that was supposed to happen last night. So we are going by this Sunday. He communicates with us very well and we really appreciate that. He is great and we love him so much!

I had the opportunity to go on an exchange this week with an Elder who I went on with when I first got here. I love this Elder so much! He has progressed a lot since I first went out with him. He has changed and become a much better Preach My Gospel missionary and he is still progressing. He isn't perfect, but we never will be! The point of this life is to continue to progress and become more Christlike in the process and this Elder is definitely doing that.

Here is a last quick thought for today.

Helping Heavenly Father become my true priority all of the time is another focus I am working on right now. On exchanges and at various other times, I am doing much better at focusing on not trying to impress this missionary, but instead to please Heavenly Father. Heavenly Fathers opinion and grade is the only metric that truly counts. One thing that is hard is at the end of a poor week of key indicators (these are defined in Preach my Gospel Chapter 8) to total them up and see you have lower numbers than you hoped for. One thing I felt inspired to do last night was to read pages 10 and 11 in Preach My Gospel, which talk about the definition of a successful missionary, before totaling them up at the end of the week. Doing that helped me feel that even though what was measured key indicator wise was low, that Heavenly Fathers love and measure of success for my companion and I is truly high. Higher than we normally realize. I invite you to pray and search for the praise that truly counts, the praise from  Heaven!

Love y'all!
Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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