"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, April 4, 2016

Season 12: Skyway A. Episode 2:Specific Conference!

My traditional MLC selfie

Temple Day

This was Mission Leadership Council on Friday the 1st.


I just love life! No progress with our current investigators at the moment. It has all stayed just about the same since last week. Since there has been little progress or none we may be dropping a few or most of them. We love them, but our purpose is to invite all to come unto Christ and we cant do that if we are only working with those who spend our time for naught when we can be doing more productive things.

We loved President Eyrings talk in Priesthood session. We are really praying for and striving to help a family come unto Christ through baptism. In our mission we have received a lot of baptisms from part member families and there are a lot in the Skyway ward, so we are going to be working on a list that we were given and try to contact them all by the end of the week. Whenever we have tried to contact some in the past, it has been fruitful, even if it wasn't directly from finding them so we are excited for the coming up time.

General conference was amazing. Just a little spiritual food for thought for you is to ponder about why it is called general conference. These are some of my ideas. These messages are shared generally to the whole world, with some occasions where it is specified even more. The most important part of it though is you applying the things to yourself and then doing different things as a result to help you become more Christ-like. If we just waste 10 hours watching these sessions to only go on continue doing what we are were currently doing we have missed the point and would have simply wasted that time we could have been doing other worldly things. James put it pretty bluntly in his epistle.

"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves"
James 1:22

Are you deceiving yourself by not making any changes as a result of that spiritual feast we just participated in? 

You may be asking these questions now. "What can I change? What do I need to do differently? How can I apply something so general, to me?"
The Spirit is the one that takes the general messages shared with the whole world and applies it specifically to you. The Spirit is the author that inspires the givers and then inspires the receivers to be benefited by the message. Review general conference. Pray for the Spirit to highlight something you can do as a result. 

I love you all so much! Thanks for the prayers and love you share with me!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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