"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, May 16, 2016

Season 13: Skyway. Episode 2: Lots of Work in the Skyway Ward!

This is us three this morning getting our haircut at Sister Chamberlains (I just feel taller being in Elder Johns and Rex's presence :) )

The Renton Zone at Zone Conference!
All starting from the left.
Front Row: Elder Christianson, Elder Richards, and Elder Stucki.
On Chairs/2nd row: Sister Knowles, Sister Chamberlain, Sister Beck, Sister Livingstone, Sister McClellan, Sister Bailey, Sister Wilkinson, Hermana Pineda, and Hermana Yost.
3rd Row: President McKinney, Elder Sumsion, Sister Eaton, President Eaton, Elder Williams, Elder Hunter, and Elder Sanders.
4th Row: Elder Knowles, Elder Mitton, Elder Northrup, Elder John, Elder Rex, Elder Boyack, Elder Covington, and President Layman.

This is us on Sunday with Bishop White. He is moving soon so we are going to be getting a new Bishop for the ward sometime soon.

Comusta! (That is "Hello" in Tagalog. It is pronounced "Coh-moo-sta")

There has been a switch around of companions recently, actually the day after I sent my last email. Elder Murphy had since needed to head home for personal reasons, so for the rest of the transfer I am going to be in a trio with Elder John and Elder Rex serving as a Zone Leader Tri-panionship. I haven't been in a trio since I was with Elder Buchanan and Elder Graham over a year ago.
We are covering ALL of Skyway ward and there is a lot of work going on here! I have never been so busy as I have been now because we just combined two full teaching pools of investigators who are progressing towards baptism.
Ric who I talked about last time is still progressing really well! He is still really ready to be baptized on the 28th. We have had several lessons with him and his family and they all go really well each time. One of the struggles is the language barrier as he doesnt understand everything we say in English, but there is a couple who comes with us every time who speak Tagalog. They are both returned missionaries and they help out a lot.
Walter is an investigator who is very very curious and we are doing our best to continue to ground him in The Book of Mormon. To help him understand and know for himself if there really were golden plates that Joseph Smith translated into English through the gift and power of God. When you come to know that, all other things fall into place. 
(Read Chapter 5 of Preach My Gospel to discover more of the "why" behind that statement 
Jean is a great investigator who really is progressing. When Elder John asked her why she wanted to get baptized during a lesson she said "Because I want to get closer to God." She had a date for baptism on the 3rd, but we need to postpone it due to her not attending church. So when we meet with her this week we will have the opportunity to meet with her and talk about that.
Those are 3 examples of the many people we are being blessed to work with here in Skyway B. In Skyway A there are great investigators as well.

We had a Zone Conference on Friday at the Kent Stake Center and it was all about Repentance. Let me tell you, I LOOOVE Repentance! If you think about it Repentance is one of those plain and precious truths that has been lost in its purity during the Apostasy. Even now in the church, there are myths floating around about this essential Doctrine.
One of these myths that Satan tries to get us to believe is that Repentance is only for the very very bad sins that we make in life and that is not correct. We need to repent for every mistake we make in life.
Another Myth is that Repentance is a bad thing, but it is not! Repentance is less like bitter medicine that we have to take, but more like a sweet victory over our natural and carnal selves. President Eaton shared a quote that says (paraphrased) "Repentance is not the back up plan of life, it is the plan!" Repentance is a sweet thing that aligns our will with God and helps us become more like Christ.

For additional resources that are great for Repentance are 
True to the Faith on Repentance
The Bible Dictionary on Repentance

I love Elder Rex a lot! He is from Orem, Utah. He is also super tall as well. Its really wonderful :D

I had the opportunity to sing in Sacrament Meeting yesterday. I sung "A Poor Wayfarring Man of Grief." Its a really easy way to invite people to attend church or a good excuse to remind people to come. I am grateful that I was able to share my testimony and witness through that beautiful Hymn. Singing has been such a great blessing throughout my mission and life.

I have got to go, but I love y'all alot!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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