"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, May 23, 2016

Season 13: Skyway. Episode 3:Blessed!

I was doing family History today and I found someone who I can do the ordinance work for! I love it! Lets go Spirit of Elijah!!!

The discovery center is in a church building right next to the temple, so we were able to walk over and take pictures.  Starting on the left Sister Chamberlain, Elder Knowles, Elder John, Elder Rex, Estrella, Princes Joy, Ric, Sister Knowles, Reymark, and Elder Sumsion. Reymark and Princes are 2 of their 7 children who live at home. Only those two we were able to take with us. All of their children are members and so is Estrella, except for Ric and one of their daughters.

This is the family search logo.

This is a shot that I was blessed with!
So I am going to be having well over a "thousand words" with this email!

In short we have had another busy week with tons of blessings! 

First off here is a curve ball! Due to a missionary heading home, Elder John is being transferred away (probably tomorrow) to be with that missionaries companion! We only found out like 1 hour and a half ago so its shocking news for Elder Rex and I. Elder Rex and I will be companions (hopefully unless something else happens haha) for the rest of the transfer and then I will be back in Skyway B full time with my new companion.

We went to the Family History Discovery Center in Bellevue right next to the Seattle Temple on Saturday with Ric and part of his family. It was such a blessing and fun experience. I am thankful for family history and the amazing effect it has one those who do it. We got to test of some of the features there and I loved it as well. It was a very fun time and I learned some cool things about my own history. One cool thing was that my first ancestor to be baptized was a man named Cyril Call. Others may have him as well because that was Elder Johns first ancestor baptized as well.

Afterwards we walked around the temple grounds. The Spirit was strong and it felt great! Ric and his wife want to go to the Temple and are setting a goal for 1 year from this Saturday. His wife is a member and has been for a little while. She has been praying and fasting for Ric's heart to be softened and it happened. As a result of her faith and many others, he is set for being baptized this Saturday. Its going to be a wonderful blessing to take part in that. 

Last night we had a lesson where we talked to him about Prophets and Tithing. As we asked him if he believed if Thomas S. Monson was a prophet afterwards he basically said "I dont know, I just heard about him for the first time." We invited him to pray on the spot and to ask God if he was. He said a beautiful prayer in Tagalog (the members that came said it was very sincere) and The Spirit bore witness right there. I love that family so much and I am so excited for this time to 
Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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