"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Season 14: Skyway B. Episode 6:

This is the district last transfer!
From Right: Elder Cardin, Elder Sumsion, Elder Perkins, Elder Northrup, Sister Beck, Hermana Yost, Hermana Pineda, and Sister Stevenson.

Elder Cardin set the goal to keep up to date and to be sure he wrote down all of the appointments we set rather than me updating him every night. Yesterday he did it and I didn't have to remind him about any of the things. It was a nice little proud moment that we celebrated with a nice picture!
Transfers are happening today at 2 pm and for the first time on my mission I am not going to be there! I am staying with Elder Cardin for the foreseeable 6 weeks which I am grateful for! The work here is really accelerating and God is blessing us with even more agents!

Yesterday we had a great day with doing service for and having a lesson with Michael and Phyllis. On Monday morning we didn't have any plans for the day besides appointments in the late evening. So we sent a text to Michael asking if we could come by and do some yard work for them. He is older and has some health issues and as a result his yard has fallen into the disarray of weeds growing all over. He replied pretty quickly and we were able to go to him with Eleazar (one of the Acosta boys) and did some good hard work in the sun. Afterwards we were able to sit down and have a wonderful lesson! Michael expressed how since he got sick he has just recognized this "void" in his life and he really wants it to be filled. Phyllis said she would like her husband to be well. Elder Cardin and I testified that then void could be filled and that their family can be strengthened through Christ!
Elder Cardin and I both felt during the lesson to invite them to baptism and Michael said that he would do it and prepare for September 3rd. Phyllis isn't as sure, but is praying about it! What a wonderful couple which I am so glad we met. Its all thanks to God for us being blessed to find them. We were driving around and what happens a lot at least for me is a neighborhood or a street will stick out and interest me. Its a very very subtle impression that I am still learning to recognize, but the street that we were led to Michael and Phyllis was one of these streets that caught me eye. On our second time back tracting he was the first one we knocked on. In that first visit he said he almost got baptized as a teenager when his mom did, but that Satan threw "a wrench in it." I am so excited for this couple!

The last little note before I head out is on Sunday we were blessed to have a Seventy in the church block with us! Elder Call came and gave a talk in Sacrament meeting, Had a lesson in Sunday School about how we are pioneers (and how the parable of the 10 Virgins, Talents, and the sheep and the goats are all similar), and a lesson in priesthood. It was awesome! I loved being around this special witness of Jesus Christ!

Love you all and have a great week! God is most certainly in the details of your life!
Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

Monday, July 18, 2016

Season 14: Skyway B. Episode 5: Give Your Heart

An exchange with Elder Perkins from Friday to Saturday

The next 2 pictures are various murals around the area or pictures.

Yesterday was the mission devotional in Maple Valley. It went really well! The converts who spoke bore powerful and sincere testimony which invited the Spirit! As is said, the Spirit came not because of how eloquent they were or because they had the greatest story ever, it came because they were sincere. To be worthy to facilitate the Spirit to others, God looks and gifts it depending on the state of their heart.
I also said goodbye to the last of the missionaries heading home at the end  of this transfer. Elder Graham, my trainer, was one of them. I am so grateful for his amazing example in setting me off on the right course for the rest of my mission.

This week we had a couple lessons with Vicky! We had one on Thursday where she committed to baptism and was ready to take the simple steps to progress towards it. Later on in the week we had a lesson at a members home after dinner with her. She shared how busy she was and how crazy her schedule is. Being in America for only two months and adjusting to that, her needing to drive her daughter to and from daycare, and being the only worker in her home as her husband doesn't have a job yet caused her to not keep her commitment to pray. She said right now she isn't quite ready to continue learning, but she is still very kind and willing to learn more in the future when things calm down. Its hard because all of those are legitimate concerns and she is choosing not to continue to learn immediately. We know how much of a difference it will make if she exercises her faith, but its hard for her to do that. Anyway, that was tough on the heart for me because I have grown to care so much already about her family. 
Its not that I am discouraged, but just sad because someone is choosing a way or path that wont immediately bring them closer to Christ. One thing I am always trying to do is invest my heart in the work and not hold back for my remaining time. Instead of just halfheartedly hoping to bring people to Christ I am striving to give my whole heart for my mission. The risk of that is that risk of heart break, which happens. But I know that as I work with all my "heart, might, mind and strength" God will bless us with the harvest and to come closer to Christ.

Love you all!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearso

Season 14: Skyway B. Episode 4:Dont Be Confused!

All of my planners arranged by how many transfers I spent in the area. The first row was Clark Lake in Kent. Second was Glacier Park/Lake Wilderness in Maple Valley. Third is North Tapps in Puyallup. The 4th is a combination of my time in Skyway A and B.

The Front and back of all of my planners so far on my mission. I love decorating them a lot! You can also see how I have improved. It certainly is an art.

Hello Brethren and Sisteren!

I hope you are all having an amazing week and recognizing Gods goodness in your lives! Elder Cardin and I are certainly experiencing a bountiful amount of blessings this week! 

One of the greatest is being blessed to be in the path of an Agent we have been looking for! We were out looking for people (the first step is to look!) and we walked up to this lady. Her name is Vicky and she has only been in America for 2 months since she moved here from China. She didnt have any religious background, but was interested in coming to church on Sunday with her 4 year old daughter Hannah. She wasnt willing to meet with us because she wanted to just read the pamphlets, but we did get a very solid commitment for church.

On Sunday she came to church and she said she loved it! Even though she didnt understand most of what whats going on (she speaks pretty good English, but with no religious background in anything it was hard to understand it all. Especially when in Gospel Principles we talked about the Priesthood organization and she was just lost haha. Gospel Principles is some of the more stressful times at church because some deep doctrine tends to get dropped and put into the class which is scary for brand new investigators as it doesn't make tons of sense). Even with her lack of understanding everything, she said she felt really good and is going to be meeting with us on Tuesday! We also have some Chinese members in the ward who speak great Mandarin, and they invited her over for dinner next Sunday and she is going to that. I love it all! I am so grateful to have been blessed for our paths to cross with Vicky! It seems all the slammed doors or rude comments are worth it just to find the 1 "Vicky!"

Elder Cardin shared some profound truth yesterday or so ago that I really liked. He said "If you can't convince them, confuse them!" He said that in context about arguments and applies to what Satan does to us as members of the church! You have heard them, stories of faithful members of a very long time leaving the church. Satan desires to sift us all as wheat and if he cant get us to disbelieve church doctrine, he will confuse us up about it!

Satan will try to confuse you on official church stances and on other doctrinal teachings. He will throw a half truth here and some false information here and a false witness there. Anti-Mormon misinformation is one of the biggest tools the adversary is using now a days. My advice for that stuff is to avoid it like the plague! It truly will infect your faith and seek to destroy it. Avoid it like you would pornography is something many of my leaders have said. It wont build you up or make you feel good and if it doesnt make you feel good, it isnt from God (see Moroni 7:12-13). These things will leave you confused and that is when Satan will bring you lower and away from the straight and narrow.

I read a talk last week that interested me due to the nature of it being the 4th of July. I found in this talk about how people now a-days are putting down the decisions and things that George Washington did. Making him appear lower or less great that he truly was. President Benson had a few words to say about that! 

"Not infrequently this penchant for historical criticism has resulted in the defamation of character of the founding fathers. It is done under the guise of removing the so-called “myths” that surround their background. A favorite target of this defamation has been George Washington, our nation’s most illustrious leader. Some of these so-called “new” historians have questioned his honesty, challenged his military leadership and executive ability, and impuned his moral character.
Others who have taken measure of the man have assessed matters differently. John Lord, author of a well known work of the nineteenth century, Beacon Lights of History, wrote this of Washington:
Washington . . . had . . . a transcendent character. . . . As a man he had his faults, but they were so few, and so small, that they seemed to be but spots upon a sun. These have been forgotten, and as the ages roll on, mankind will see naught but the lustre of his virtues of the greatness of his services. [Beacon Lights of History (New York: Fords, Howard, and Hulbert, 1884), 7:168]


 "When one casts doubt about the character of these noble sons of God, I believe he or she will have to answer to the God of heaven for it. Yes, with Lincoln I say, “To add brightness to the sun or glory to the name of Washington is . . . impossible. Let none attempt it. In solemn awe pronounce the name, and in its naked deathless splendor leave it shining on.” That is the charge I would leave to people everywhere, faculty, students, others of this and every other university—leave Washington’s name “shining on.”
May no teacher, in the name of scholarship, attempt to blemish Washington’s illustrious character."

I definitely wont be able to state as eloquently as he did about this topic and I neither have the time to try haha. I encourage you to read this talk Not only did it help me better understand some of the things that society is naturally affecting history, but it also strengthened my testimony about Joseph Smith and the things that he did during his life. There are many principles and truths in here that will help you overcome anti concerns and to avoid them altogether. I encourage you to read or listen to it.

Gods Hand in our Nations History

I love you all so much and I testify that if you have doubts that just like with our bodies at Resurrection, God can completely heal you! There is a plethora of resources on lds.org that you can turn to and I invite you to turn to if you are struggling.

Love you!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

Fwd: Season 14: Skyway B. Episode 3:"I'll Never Forsake"

President and Sister Rasmussen! :D

Elder Northrup and I on the roof of our apartment building on an exchange.
In the very center between us is Seattle.

Hello Brothers and Sisters!

Some simple updates on things that are going on, I had a message that I wanted to share today of something I felt during the week.

President and Sister Rasmussen are amazing! We had a Zone "get to know you" meeting with them and I learned a lot. He is such a humble individually and she is very loving and and they are both definitely have been called here by inspiration. I know He is here to help me out in many ways and I am excited to discover that!

Jean didnt make it to church due to a car breaking down and grandchildren needing to be baby sat. We are working with her and had those situations not arisen, she would have been at church. Its tough to have these outside infulences stopping her because she said it herself that she would be here every Sunday if she didnt have those roadblocks. The work is still going well here in Skyway B though!

This week as Elder Cardin and I were driving to district meetings we were listening to some acapella arrangements of various Hymns in the church. One of these Hymns was #85 "How Firm a Foundation."
As we were listening to this Hymn I was filled with the Spirit and felt in particular a powerful connection to this last verse (this verse was also mentioned in General Conference).

"The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never, no never, I'll never, no never,
I'll never, no never, no never forsake!"

The importance of living the gospel faithfully for all of our lives is essential! Living the gospel until you graduate from High School or after you finish your mission is like putting some bread to bake in the oven and taking it out. Without faithfully enduring through the furnace of affliction, we will ultimately fail in our grandeur purpose to return to Heavenly Father (Alma 34:32) and becoming more like Him. Its a hard task and at some points some could even consider it boring or not worth it, but its my testimony that the Gospel of Jesus Christ as restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith is the one and only way back to our Heavenly Home where our progression doesn't stop. Think about those words, "I'll never, no never, no never forsake!" Not for any reason at all. Are these words ones you can honestly say? Are you ever going to forsake these things you have promised God? Even if its just for a moment?

One of my favorite examples where I learn from his example of faithful enduring is Moroni finisher of "The Book of Mormon." With his father dead and his people gone, this is the society he is living in,

"For behold, their wars are exceedingly fierce among themselves; and because of their hatred they put to death every Nephite that will not deny the Christ."

Will he deny the Christ? His life is on the line along with everything else. This is his response to that question.

 "And I, Moroni, will not deny the Christ;" (Moroni 1:2-3)

​(picture from online art gallery from the church https://history.lds.org/exhibit/exceedingly-valiant?lang=eng )

Its a hard life, but he will never forsake. He completed what God wanted him to do and continued faithfully living the gospel alone with no friends. We dont live in a society where we are threatened to be killed for our beliefs, but we do live in a society where its easy to deny Christ and not stand up to all the promises we have made to follow Him. My testimony is that no matter where I go, how long I tarry, and no matter who I am with I will not deny the Christ and stay active my whole life. Whenever you are tempted to waver, remember to eternal perspective and what is at cost (Moses 1:39). If you have gone already, there is room on the "Old Ship Zion" and you will be welcomed back with loving open arms like the Prodigal Son was (https://www.lds.org/bible-videos/videos/the-prodigal-son?lang=eng). I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

Season 14: Skyway B. Episode 2:Searching For the Agents

On an exchange with Elder Payne :D He replaced me in Skyway A

These are all the languages we most commonly run into. I carry around pamphletts with me of the most common and these are left in the back of our car. The most common ones we run into are Tagalog, Vietnamese, Chinese. Other people we run to are Laos, Cambodian, and Somali to list a few. Serving here in Skyway is probably more foreign than leaving the country haha.
Its going here in Skyway B! Elder Cardin and I are tearing it up (meaning working hard. I like to visualize like tearing out carpet or asphalt lain poorly like in cars for the type of work "tearing it up" describes)!

Elder Cardin and I are really working hard on finding more and more of the elect (those who are prepared to repent and be baptized!) in our area. In Skyway we have a good problem where people are willing to talk with us for 45 minutes, but when it comes to teaching them and sharing more of our beliefs they are not all in for that. So one thing we do very often is filter the length of conversations that we have with people and which potentials we record in our area book. The way we filter is while we are talking to them (because we still talk to everyone) we teach them the lessons on the spot instead of asking for permission to come back and teach later. If they arent in a situation where we can talk for a long time, we try to teach them as much as we can and then we ask for a specific return appointment. We are being blessed with more and more people who let us teach them on the spot and then agree to a specific return appointment (that is what we define as a new investigator). This week we were blessed with 5 new investigators all ranging in their age and interest level.

Most people we talk to let us a come by as a result of our persistence and asking for it. I call that when its simply for that reason that they are "objects of our persistence." We are acting upon them, but our goal is to help them become agents. People who arent simply meeting with us because we ask, but who are meeting with us because they feel something, want to learn something, and feel a sense to continue to learn. At that point they become agents and are truly investigating. We want to find those who are going to be agents and who will truly in every sense of the word (like in reference to detectives like Sherlock Holmes) "investigate" the church. There is no wrong reason for investigating the church or meeting with the missionaries, but there are wrong reasons to be baptized. So while we work with them and help them make transition from object to agent by helping them see that the gospel and the message fits the needs in their lives, we pray for the gift of discernment to know what to best teach them. And if they arent willing to progress to be agents, we will move on to seek for those who are. 
Thats a little bit more in depth of what we are trying to do as missionaries. We are trying to find the elect who are going to investigate this church exercising faith in the beginning and in the process along with repentance unto baptism! That is the beginning of their journey to their road to the Temple and Eternal Life with their Father in Heaven and families.

Love you all so much! One of the "agents" we are working with in her case to discovery the truthfulness of this church is Jean. Her biggest struggle right now is coming to church. We are working with our newly called Relief Society President Sister Kemp. They are great friends and we have been seeking for revelation on behalf of Jean to help her progress because she hasn't been making the progress we are hoping for. She is exercising her faith and preparing for baptism on August 6th and we are going to be doing a multitude of things to help her progress to that point.

Love you all so much! Thank you for your prayers!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson