"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, July 18, 2016

Season 14: Skyway B. Episode 5: Give Your Heart

An exchange with Elder Perkins from Friday to Saturday

The next 2 pictures are various murals around the area or pictures.

Yesterday was the mission devotional in Maple Valley. It went really well! The converts who spoke bore powerful and sincere testimony which invited the Spirit! As is said, the Spirit came not because of how eloquent they were or because they had the greatest story ever, it came because they were sincere. To be worthy to facilitate the Spirit to others, God looks and gifts it depending on the state of their heart.
I also said goodbye to the last of the missionaries heading home at the end  of this transfer. Elder Graham, my trainer, was one of them. I am so grateful for his amazing example in setting me off on the right course for the rest of my mission.

This week we had a couple lessons with Vicky! We had one on Thursday where she committed to baptism and was ready to take the simple steps to progress towards it. Later on in the week we had a lesson at a members home after dinner with her. She shared how busy she was and how crazy her schedule is. Being in America for only two months and adjusting to that, her needing to drive her daughter to and from daycare, and being the only worker in her home as her husband doesn't have a job yet caused her to not keep her commitment to pray. She said right now she isn't quite ready to continue learning, but she is still very kind and willing to learn more in the future when things calm down. Its hard because all of those are legitimate concerns and she is choosing not to continue to learn immediately. We know how much of a difference it will make if she exercises her faith, but its hard for her to do that. Anyway, that was tough on the heart for me because I have grown to care so much already about her family. 
Its not that I am discouraged, but just sad because someone is choosing a way or path that wont immediately bring them closer to Christ. One thing I am always trying to do is invest my heart in the work and not hold back for my remaining time. Instead of just halfheartedly hoping to bring people to Christ I am striving to give my whole heart for my mission. The risk of that is that risk of heart break, which happens. But I know that as I work with all my "heart, might, mind and strength" God will bless us with the harvest and to come closer to Christ.

Love you all!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearso

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