"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Season 14: Skyway B. Episode 6:

This is the district last transfer!
From Right: Elder Cardin, Elder Sumsion, Elder Perkins, Elder Northrup, Sister Beck, Hermana Yost, Hermana Pineda, and Sister Stevenson.

Elder Cardin set the goal to keep up to date and to be sure he wrote down all of the appointments we set rather than me updating him every night. Yesterday he did it and I didn't have to remind him about any of the things. It was a nice little proud moment that we celebrated with a nice picture!
Transfers are happening today at 2 pm and for the first time on my mission I am not going to be there! I am staying with Elder Cardin for the foreseeable 6 weeks which I am grateful for! The work here is really accelerating and God is blessing us with even more agents!

Yesterday we had a great day with doing service for and having a lesson with Michael and Phyllis. On Monday morning we didn't have any plans for the day besides appointments in the late evening. So we sent a text to Michael asking if we could come by and do some yard work for them. He is older and has some health issues and as a result his yard has fallen into the disarray of weeds growing all over. He replied pretty quickly and we were able to go to him with Eleazar (one of the Acosta boys) and did some good hard work in the sun. Afterwards we were able to sit down and have a wonderful lesson! Michael expressed how since he got sick he has just recognized this "void" in his life and he really wants it to be filled. Phyllis said she would like her husband to be well. Elder Cardin and I testified that then void could be filled and that their family can be strengthened through Christ!
Elder Cardin and I both felt during the lesson to invite them to baptism and Michael said that he would do it and prepare for September 3rd. Phyllis isn't as sure, but is praying about it! What a wonderful couple which I am so glad we met. Its all thanks to God for us being blessed to find them. We were driving around and what happens a lot at least for me is a neighborhood or a street will stick out and interest me. Its a very very subtle impression that I am still learning to recognize, but the street that we were led to Michael and Phyllis was one of these streets that caught me eye. On our second time back tracting he was the first one we knocked on. In that first visit he said he almost got baptized as a teenager when his mom did, but that Satan threw "a wrench in it." I am so excited for this couple!

The last little note before I head out is on Sunday we were blessed to have a Seventy in the church block with us! Elder Call came and gave a talk in Sacrament meeting, Had a lesson in Sunday School about how we are pioneers (and how the parable of the 10 Virgins, Talents, and the sheep and the goats are all similar), and a lesson in priesthood. It was awesome! I loved being around this special witness of Jesus Christ!

Love you all and have a great week! God is most certainly in the details of your life!
Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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