"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, July 18, 2016

Fwd: Season 14: Skyway B. Episode 3:"I'll Never Forsake"

President and Sister Rasmussen! :D

Elder Northrup and I on the roof of our apartment building on an exchange.
In the very center between us is Seattle.

Hello Brothers and Sisters!

Some simple updates on things that are going on, I had a message that I wanted to share today of something I felt during the week.

President and Sister Rasmussen are amazing! We had a Zone "get to know you" meeting with them and I learned a lot. He is such a humble individually and she is very loving and and they are both definitely have been called here by inspiration. I know He is here to help me out in many ways and I am excited to discover that!

Jean didnt make it to church due to a car breaking down and grandchildren needing to be baby sat. We are working with her and had those situations not arisen, she would have been at church. Its tough to have these outside infulences stopping her because she said it herself that she would be here every Sunday if she didnt have those roadblocks. The work is still going well here in Skyway B though!

This week as Elder Cardin and I were driving to district meetings we were listening to some acapella arrangements of various Hymns in the church. One of these Hymns was #85 "How Firm a Foundation."
As we were listening to this Hymn I was filled with the Spirit and felt in particular a powerful connection to this last verse (this verse was also mentioned in General Conference).

"The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never, no never, I'll never, no never,
I'll never, no never, no never forsake!"

The importance of living the gospel faithfully for all of our lives is essential! Living the gospel until you graduate from High School or after you finish your mission is like putting some bread to bake in the oven and taking it out. Without faithfully enduring through the furnace of affliction, we will ultimately fail in our grandeur purpose to return to Heavenly Father (Alma 34:32) and becoming more like Him. Its a hard task and at some points some could even consider it boring or not worth it, but its my testimony that the Gospel of Jesus Christ as restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith is the one and only way back to our Heavenly Home where our progression doesn't stop. Think about those words, "I'll never, no never, no never forsake!" Not for any reason at all. Are these words ones you can honestly say? Are you ever going to forsake these things you have promised God? Even if its just for a moment?

One of my favorite examples where I learn from his example of faithful enduring is Moroni finisher of "The Book of Mormon." With his father dead and his people gone, this is the society he is living in,

"For behold, their wars are exceedingly fierce among themselves; and because of their hatred they put to death every Nephite that will not deny the Christ."

Will he deny the Christ? His life is on the line along with everything else. This is his response to that question.

 "And I, Moroni, will not deny the Christ;" (Moroni 1:2-3)

​(picture from online art gallery from the church https://history.lds.org/exhibit/exceedingly-valiant?lang=eng )

Its a hard life, but he will never forsake. He completed what God wanted him to do and continued faithfully living the gospel alone with no friends. We dont live in a society where we are threatened to be killed for our beliefs, but we do live in a society where its easy to deny Christ and not stand up to all the promises we have made to follow Him. My testimony is that no matter where I go, how long I tarry, and no matter who I am with I will not deny the Christ and stay active my whole life. Whenever you are tempted to waver, remember to eternal perspective and what is at cost (Moses 1:39). If you have gone already, there is room on the "Old Ship Zion" and you will be welcomed back with loving open arms like the Prodigal Son was (https://www.lds.org/bible-videos/videos/the-prodigal-son?lang=eng). I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost." -Elder Kevin W. Pearson

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