"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, October 3, 2016

Season 16: Skyway B. Episode 4: Drop Now to Baptize Later

Exchange with Elder Payne. This was an exchange I just loved! It was stress free and we had some good fun cooking a fancy meal (mashed potatoes, low-quality Mac-N-Cheese, and some cornbread muffins). Elders sure know how to cook (the left over things in their apartments)!

Nice Clouds :)

Rainbow :)

There are signs like this all around where we serve and we never get to go find out what is so unbelievable or exciting or electrifying. 
Howdy howdy everyone!

Its been a groovy week for preaching to gospel! I have a goal to help 5 people come unto Christ by repenting and being baptized before the end of November. Throughout the week I had the realization that those individuals who will be baptized by the time would be found now. So Elder Richards and I are setting goals and making plans as per usual in the work of the Lord. We have been exercising the faith to filter/drop this past week so we can find those individuals. We have already seen the blessing of starting that process.

One sad event occurred yesterday with Mia dropping us... over text. With a previous lesson we had with her she said that she felt that she had offended Sister Kemp and she said she felt bad for wasting our time. She has for now decided to stay Catholic. Elder Richards and I prayed fervently to know how to respond to this drop and we received specific direction on what we should do to respond.

We did what the Spirit prompted us to do and we feel certain that the Lords will will happen. I feel a spirit of peace knowing that we have done all we could and that in the end it will work out for her.

We had a lesson with John yesterday night. We have been teaching him the Word of Wisdom for several times and he doesn't remember it when we come by. He also expressed that he doesn't want to be Mormon because he has been Catholic his whole life and so has his parents and he just wants it to stay that way. He is in such a state where we aren't able to communicate with him well and where he isnt able to understand what we are saying. So we told him to give us a call of when he wants us to come back and visit him and he said he would.

There is the news in terms of investigators dropped, but investigators found is another story. One individual we were blessed to be placed in the path of was Brandon. He is Chinese and converted to Christianity 2 years ago. He shared an experience where he got in an accident and was stuck in the mud and prayed for God to help him. Eventually after 8 hours someone came and got him and he saw it as a sign from God.

We will be blessed with many many more individuals to come and I am excited to see the blessings.

General Conference was swell too! The questions I had were certainly answered and I cant wait to take more time to reflect on the things there. It was also cool to see Mr. Wiser conducting the Priesthood Session.

I am going to get heading out. I hope you have a wonderful week!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost."
-Elder Kevin W. Pearson "Stay by the Tree"

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