"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, October 24, 2016

Season 17: Enumclaw 1st. Episode 1:His Perfect Will and Timing

Time keeps on marching on and on! I remember at the beginning of my mission reading Jordan Stouts season 17 emails and I wondered if I would ever get there. I have now and it is going way to fast.

The work here in Enumclaw is great. It is similar to North Tapps, but a lot more rural. Our ward is the biggest ward in the mission and as a result a good amount of driving happens. I love the ward so much already! They are all so wonderful and willing to help. Coming up we are going to be starting a 40 day fast soon. The work here is going to be on fire. I am expecting miracles with all of the swell stuff that is happening. 

The work here was going slow, but is now starting to pick up real quick. We have been blessed to find some great investigators who are actually seeking to know the truth and desiring to have help with their concerns. Here is a super summary of each of them.

Johan and Catherine were found right after we followed up with a former investigator. They were out on their porch smoking when we came up and talked to them. Catherine had never really opened up or talked to missionaries before, but the circumstances she and her family were in has placed her in a place where she is willing to listen and learn. Her son is going through some very hard things with the death of his fiance of 10 years. She is looking for help and comfort. I am grateful we were striving to talk to everyone because it would have been really easy to just walk right by. Obedience brings blessings to us and Souls to Christ.

Ty and Jakin are members of a christian church in the area. They have some great respect for the Mormon church and were very kind when we talked with them. Jakin who just graduated from High School asked the missionaries to come by when they were at the library. He has some big concerns, but if he is willing we can help him overcome them. One of them is using a scripture in Galations 1:8 to say that any Angel or anything preached is accursed/not the word of God. We have prayed and have a great lesson plan this evening to talk with them about it.

The others are Brother and Sister Martelle. She described herself as a "Neo-Pagan." Interesting... We are going to have fun teaching them :)

Elder Rasband came and visited our mission! It was very powerful and I received that he was a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator in these last days! One thing I learned is that he is the 98th Apostle of this dispensation to be set apart and given those keys. It was amazing and an experience that I am not going to forget.

Sorry its short, but times a running out!

Love Ya!
Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost."
-Elder Kevin W. Pearson "Stay by the Tree"

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