"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Season 17: Enumclaw 1st. Episode 3:Miracles All Around

Elder Fenton and I around Lake Tipsoo this morning.

Me getting an action photo with my expert laying down on the ground technique :)

My tag on a rock in a stream.

Lake Tipsoo.

Sister de milo haha

We met a guy last week and he had some interesting beliefs that I had never heard of. Basically it summed down to only believing in the words of Paul in Romans-Philemon. Elder Fenton and I thought it was so interesting and so we just barraged him with questions about why, what about Matthew-Acts and Hebrews-Revelations, and others. He shared that Jesus Christs words was only for the Jews and that Paul's words was only for the Gentiles and that we are all Gentiles. Matthew-Acts are nice for history, but not necessary for us. The Apostasy is definitely very real ladies and gentleman.

As I have shared before, there are as many miracles happening in your life as you can see. God is blessing us with many many things, but most of the time we dont recognize all of the good he is doing for us. In the ward we are having a 40 day fast right now and it has helped me look and search for more of the tender mercies that God is blessing us with and also in what he is doing in the members lives.

We had an amazing visit with Brother and Sister Lyman this week. Brother Lyman has been less-active for a long time (50 something years) and his wife is a non-member. Usually the visits haven't gone very swell, but this one went great.They asked the missionaries to visit once a month and so we came by for our visit and he was teaching his wife about how they could be together forever. He was also sharing with us his mission scriptures and the journal of his great grandfather who was an Apostle. He accepted an invitation to start reading the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi in 10 days) with his wife. He said "Its about time I start reading the Book of Mormon again." Since I wouldn't be here in a month, he said we could come back sooner to follow up and visit. We were so grateful for the goodness of the visit! He also gave us a 3D printed Venus de milo statue as well. The picture below is what I did with it :)

Another miracle occurred this week as we were led to a potential investigator in the area book who is now committed to baptism on the 10th of December! It was a great miracle as for 4 months before, he wouldn't have been as open to us coming by as he is now. He has had a couple situations that have humbled him to wanting to put his bad past behind him and to follow God. He wants to become a better man. Rolondo is his name and he almost reminds of this mans transformation of what God did to him and helped him become. https://www.mormonchannel.org/watch/series/his-grace/from-gang-member-to-good-man
We are having a church tour with him tonight and are getting the members involved.

One thing I have learned this week as I have been pondering is more about the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is temporary and lasts with whatever happens around you. True Joy that is found in Christ lasts all of the time. No matter what circumstance you are in, you feel Gods love and trust in His plan. 

Love you all!

Elder Sumsion

"Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It’s the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it, we are spiritually lost."
-Elder Kevin W. Pearson "Stay by the Tree"

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