"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Season 2: Clark Lake. Episode 12: Bad things, Good Results.‏

Haha I feel like I would see that title that I made for this email be on a John Bytheway book :D
I would like to share some recent experiences that have happened to me.
Hugh dropped us this week. If you don't know that what that means, it means that he no longer wishes to visit with us or investigate the church. During the week on Wednesday I believe we were calling Hugh to see if he would be able to come to a members house for an appointment we had. I was assigned to make that call. It was during the call that it happened. As I talked to him he passed the phone to his therapist. As we talked she relayed to me that he doesn't want us to visit him any more and that he cant afford to be a member of our church. We talked to Hugh and he supported what the therapist had told us.
While I was taking that phone call I realized that something was definitely up. I thought of that possibility of him dropping us. As I listened I realized I was the person to talk and speak by the spirit and say whatever the Lord would have me say. I was also the person to relay the information that I was getting to my companions. I prayed and asked for help that I would be able to do those things with grace, patience, and that I would be able to understand and relay the information to my companions in a patient manner.
I tried and did my best in the call.
And I was able to patiently and lovingly relay that information to my companions. I am grateful for an answered prayer and that as I have been on a mission I have been able to change and handle situations. I am also grateful for my preparation that I had for my mission. I am much more able to handle stresses and using the phone after working at Vivint last summer. As I have served my mission I am able to be better qualified to do the work I need to do. I would encourage you to study D&C 4:5 and D&C 11:32-24, 30.
Another experience is concerning the dishes. Elder Buchanan loads the dishes in a certain way that really bothered me. I would ask him to not do it for this and that reason. I didn't chew him out or yell at him because of the way he did it, but it did annoy me. During the week I opened the dishes to see that Elder Buchanan had loaded them in that certain way again, but I wasn't annoyed. It didn't matter to me anymore that he did it that way.
Before I would have talked to him, but this time it didn't matter to me at all. As I have grown and become more Christ-like my very nature has changed and I have, and still am, becoming a "new creature in Christ."
I hope that makes sense and that you understand.
Transfers are today and Elder Graham is leaving us. Elder Buchanan and I will stay in Clark Lake. Its going to be very different with Elder Graham being gone. He is my trainer and has helped me through my first 12 weeks of my mission. Even though I was disagree and be grumpy to him, he would still love and serve me. He has sacrificed a lot and I am grateful for him. Because of Elder Graham my mission is that much better. He is a wonderful example of obedience and I wish him well.
(The great thing though is I still get to see him at least twice a month for the rest of my mission :D Every month there is a mission devotional put on by the missionaries and a missionary choir sings at it. And the other time is once a month during a P-day we get to practice all together)
Love you all, and thank you for your support.
Elder Sumsion

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