"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, May 4, 2015

Season 3: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 3: The "Ether 12:27" Moment

I am going to name this season "Glacier Wilderness" so I don't have to type "Lake Wilderness/Glacier Park."
Elder Sumsion,
 Cutting small corners so he doesn't have to work as hard.
This week we had exchanges with Elder Bennet (our district leader) and Elder Odell. Elder Odell was in my district at the MTC.
Elder Odell came over to Glacier Wilderness (Cutting those corners :D) with me and Elder Wagstaff left to their area. Exchanges were super great! This was the first time I got to lead an area and go solo. It wasn't that tough, I didn't even break a mental sweat.
I loved it so much! It was so great to be with Elder Odell and seeing how he has progressed since the MTC. During the exchange I definitely learned that I am not perfect and how much I need to rely on the spirit to be successful. I had, as I like to call, an "Ether 12:27" moment or time of recognition.
What helps me understand is I think of it like this.
In life we are all like plates or bowls with cracks in it. Those cracks are imperfection and sin. Jesus has been the only completely perfect dish with no cracks. We all have cracks some larger than others. Our goal is to eventually become like Jesus Christ and so we go through the process of correcting and filling in our dishes. You take care of the big cracks first and then work on the smaller ones.
Sometimes you get to the point where you think you have gotten all of the big cracks and are now working on the tinier ones thinking you are going to be done pretty quick with having no cracks left. But then you lean up closer and see all of these cracks you hadn't even seen before! You recognize you are much MUCH farther from being whole than you thought.
Similarly, I was working on some cracks or bad things in my life and character. I had gotten most of the big ones and was working on the small ones. Then exchanges happened and I took a closer look and saw that I had way much more to work on.
That process of looking closer and seeing what more you have to work on is what I call the "Ether 12:27" moment.
Those moments happen many many times throughout life to various degrees and levels. The one on exchanges was a pretty big one in my eyes and I now see lots of cracks in my dish. Its always a great moment to have these because they increase the rate of progression to becoming more like Christ. I have goals and things I am working on now on becoming better.
In other news, WE GOT OUR FIRST POTENTIAL FROM CONTACTING THIS WEEK!!!! It was such a happy moment :D I was so shocked, surprised and happy that it happened. When we asked if we could come back by and talk about a video we invited her to watch, she accepted. Her name is Laura and we should be going by on Tuesday. I am super excited. After talking and inviting a significant amount of people, this is the first one to say yes.
We also usually ask everyone we talk to if they know anyone we could do service for or help them and for the past 3 weeks they have all said no... until this week! In the same day, two different non-member contacts we did gave us a referral of someone who could use service! (We contacted them and they were not interested, but it was still super awesome!)
After laboring and planting for the past little while Elder Wagstaff and I are starting to see just a little bit of fruit. Things are happening slowly, but surely.
Love Y'all! Happy Mothers Day this coming Sunday!
Elder Sumsion

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