"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Season 3: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 6: Enduring to the End Part 3‏

Something isn't right with this photo...The Steering wheel bolt is loose and there is a less active in the ward who loves to help us, so we will be going by this week.

Elder Lee-Wen is an office Elder and they live just across the street from us, so last week we made him a "Birthday King" crown and gave it to him. Its was great :D He is awesome.
So I finally had some legit seafood! Two days ago we went to a members house and had an "amuse bouche" of a variety of fish stuffs. I had lobster, crab, giant shrimp, muscles and a couple of other things for the first time!
Transfers are today! Elder Wagstaff and I are both staying in Maple Valley! Elder Wagstaff has had a new companion every transfer (7 companions, and this is his 8th) of his mission until now! He also hasn't stayed in an area for 3 transfers, so he is breaking a whole bunch of records this transfer.
This week I had some more great experiences that I really wanted to share that go along with enduring to the end.
We hadn't had any good contact with the new investigator we found, so we stopped by to drop off some Tupperware she gave us with cookies and had a good conversation there. She was really super kind and very friendly, but essentially she dropped us. She said she wouldn't convert and that she didn't really need our help with service anymore. We testified of the restoration and of the Book of Mormon. We left the conversation with us still being able to come by and teach her the lessons and understanding a whole lot more of her situation. So for now we wont be able to go by for the next couple of weeks because her work is super busy, but afterwards we will be able to come by and share the rest of what we know. We pray that when we do, the spirit will touch her heart even more and she will come to know that the things that we teach are true through the same way we have.
Our areas are still progressing and will continue. We are so excited for the miracles we see. We already have a potential family we are going to teach this weekend and some more potentials.
My last thoughts on enduring to the end and applying it is that even though disappointments happen in missionary work, school, life, work, etc. it does not mean that you are destined for failure. Disappointments are inevitable, it is only bad if you get discouraged by it. Don't be discouraged in what happens, because of Jesus Christ and what He did for us there are always good things to come in the future. I am so excited to see what comes in the next 6 weeks. I know that as we faithfully continue onward this coming transfer, things will work out. I leave with you a challenge to endure to the end. Elder Pearson of the Seventy gave an amazing talk last conference about enduring to the end. Any one of us (meaning me, you, your parents, President Monson, or anybody else) is not immune to satans buffets. We have to stay strong and vigilant in holding onto the iron rod. If we hold fast, we will all make it to the glorious tree of life and partake of the fruit of Eternal life. The decisions you make today, determine your destiny in the future (see Thomas S. Monson "Decisions Determine Destiny" BYU Speech). I give my heed and challenge for you to hold on to the Iron rod which is the Word of God. The Book of Mormon is His word and you should read it daily. I challenge you if you are not currently to read it every single day. Elder Pearson in his talk put it this way, "Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day!" I add my witness that if you do that, you will be able to stand strong against the fiery darts of the adversary that so often are thrown at you and me. Set a time for it, and do it. Make reading the scriptures a priority in your life. It can be done and accomplished no matter how busy you are (see 1 Nephi 3:7). I love you all and I know that this gospel is the best thing for everyone. I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Elder Sumsion
Additional Study:
Nephi and his brothers going back to get the plates
Why did Nephi sacrifice so much to get the scriptures?
How can you sacrifice like Nephi did to more value your scriptures?

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