"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, May 11, 2015

Season 3: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 4:‏

Elder Graham and I at choir practice today :D I am wearing his posterity tie and
 he is wearing the tie I gifted him.
I like to call this outfit "Elder Sunshine."
Hey do you want to hear some great news, as far as missionary work progress in our area?
Last Monday, the 4th, a good thing happened. Elder Wagstaff and I have been praying for opportunities to find and teach a new investigator. We have been talking to almost everyone and do our best to testify of the truths of the restoration and invite them to learn more. As we were leaving a lesson and walking home at about 8:45pm there was a man who pulled up in his truck with a table and chairs. We offered to help him take them in but he told us he had his son coming to help him. So we got talking to him and asked him again in a different way if we could help him ("Hey would could save you a couple trips") and he accepted. So we skillfully carried the table in (without puncturing or scraping the walls if you were wondering or curious) and set it in and helped them with it. We then started talking with his wife as well and bore testimony and invited and they said YES! We are going back tonight and I pray that they are prepared to receive the gospel. Its a family which is awesome. I am grateful that we have this opportunity. Even if they end up not investigating or listening to us that will be okay, because them accepting shows us that the area is progressing.
When I first got here people wouldn't listen to us.
The next week people were talking to us.
The week after we were almost getting potentials (potential potential investigators :D haha).
This last week there are people accepting our invitations to meet with them and we are getting potentials.
Its not like we are getting tons and tons of potential investigators or people accepting our invitations, but we are getting more than when I got here. That is progress and that is what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are pleased with. Like in the parable of the talents, some are given 10, others 5, and we were given 1. Starting with 1 and turning it to 2 is a pretty big thing and that's what Elder Wagstaff and I are trying to do. It probably wont be a 10 when we leave, but it will be progressing to that point :D
Missionary work and being on a mission is so amazing! I love it! It is LITERALLY the best thing I have done in my life. Better than video games or Disneyland. I definitely know that this church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the one true church. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer even thought I have never met Him personally. I have felt His influence in my life and I know that you can feel it to. No matter who you are, where your from, or what you have done. That's a fact. And I bear that testimony of Him, an authorized representative of Him, in His name, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lastly, here are some thoughts I had to write about, but I wasn't sure how to insert them in. So here they are plugged in at the end.
A question I often ask my self is "What is the thing to most likely cause me to go less active after my mission?" I am definitely not invincible and satan has already plotted what he will do to get me to let go of the Iron Rod. It is my job to hold onto the iron rod once I grab on and to press foreword until I reach the tree that has the fruit that is most desirable above all other fruit. (1 Nephi 8 and 11).
I leave you with these questions to think about and answer.
Why is Enduring to the End a part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End)?
Why do you need to keep the covenants you make for the rest of your life instead of just a couple of days/weeks/years after you make them?
What is one thing that could cause you to not endure to the end?
What are two things you can do today and will continue doing to best prevent that from causing you to not endure to the end?
 Love Y'all much!
Elder Sumsion

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