"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, May 18, 2015

Season 3: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 5: Enduring to the End Part 2‏

Yes. Sometimes I forget to name my episodes.... or do I give you the opportunity to name them?
Something that I came up with recently that I love is
"When you change your perspective, your perspective changes you."
There is that thought.
I hope you did try those questions and evaluate yourself. Its definitely important. From President Uchtdorf talk "Of things that Matter Most" he talks about how it is important to spend time getting to know yourself and who you are. So I would encourage you to do it, because an Prophet, Seer, and Revelator suggests you to do it. And also Elder Sumsion, a representative of Jesus Christ.
You know how I told you about our progression of our area? How it was moving slowly but surely?
Well something amazing happened and it continued to progress and miracles happened!!!
Yesterday we committed Shela to baptism on June 20th! We found Shela about a week ago contacting on the trail next to Lake Wilderness. We asked her if we could do any service for her and she accepted. We went by with Elder Cook and Elder Gonzalez on Friday and did that service and it went well. She was very friendly and accepted our invitation for us to teach her. We went by on Saturday and taught her the restoration. She accepted the invitation and we are preparing for that. She seems very prepared and ready to receive the gospel. She had one concern about being baptized before, so we re-explained the priesthood authority and bore testimony and it was resolved. We are so excited and happy that we were blessed with someone who was prepared to receive the gospel. Now of course this is the beginning stages, but it is so hopeful for us and so great to see progression!
Now here is my progressing thought from last time about enduring to the end. Think about what Elder Wagstaff and I were doing for the past 4 weeks? We had been faithfully contacting and talking to everyone. When we had encountered that resistance and discouragement during that first week and if we had just given up on contacting saying "this stuff is way to hard! Lets just go sleep." What we found 4 weeks later would have not happened. I believe that it was because Elder Wagstaff and I (and other reasons including prayers from those of you at home) had been faithfully enduring our contacting experience. We were blessed because we stayed faithful and didn't give up. If we continue faithfully trying to find, then we will find.
If you continue to faithfully live the gospel, you will be ready for those hard experiences that come. You will also be ready for those blessings that will come. So don't give up on reading your scriptures or going to church. If you do, you may miss what will come 4 weeks later. Continue holding fast. I promise you that if you faithfully continue on and living the gospel, you will be prepared for any storm or fiery dart that may come your way.
Here are some references for additional study.
-"The Wise Man and the Foolish Man Primary Hymn
-Helaman 5:12
-1 Nephi 15:24 (as well as the vision of the tree of life)
Love you all! That talk from President Uchtdorf was really great and I would recommend you read it.
Elder Sumsion

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