"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, June 29, 2015

Season 3: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 11: A Solid Week.

Me with the puppy "Lucy"

My nametag after we did that service of helping make that bench

Us after doing service. The other two are the Lake Lucerne Elders. They have been helping us out a lot whenever we have gone over. Also don't you just love my watch tan :D
Things are going really great. It was a lot slower than last week number wise, but it still felt really intense.  Here is a thing for each day of the week.
Monday: I downloaded the first three episodes of "Two Brothers Two" on my flash drive and Elder Wagstaff and I watched them. We were glued to the screen while watching them. It was so funny, but it was good quality time watching those together. Really funny. We are going to go on a marathon today during P-Day and try to watch the other 5.
Tuesday: Elder Wagstaff and I were biking on the trail next to Lake Wilderness and there was some commotion going on next to a beach park with ambulances n' stuff. We stopped and watched what had turned out asking various peoples what happened. We found out later that a young man did loose his life. It was a very reflective time for me and I thought about what happens after death and how what I am doing as a missionary fits into all of this. I received some great revelation and confirmations as a result of that pondering.
Wednesday: We did some great service for Brother Loftuss in the Lake Wilderness ward. We helped make cement and pour it into a large retaining wall/bench he is making for his fire pit. We are actually going by tonight to teach his wife who is a non-member. We are excited :D
Thursday: We went and did some more service for a sister in Glacier Park. She had just gotten a new puppy and we took some picture with it. It is a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard dog. It is a very nice breed.
Friday: We had an open evening and Elder Wagstaff felt inspired to drop by a less active and we did and it was just what the person we visited needed! It was such an inspired drop by. We are going back this Thursday with a couple of ward members to give him a blessing.
Saturday: We went on exchanges with the office Elders again. Sorry I don't have a lot of time to cover everything. It was a really great day though and we helped someone move out of our apartment complex. Elder Allen, I, and an R.M. were the ones in the U-Haul organizing and getting it compact. It was really warm inside that van. Brother Thompson put it this way when came up to help move. "Now I am going to go play Tetris in a 300 degree oven." Haha.
Sunday: I traveled to Graham for the mission devotional there with the Office Elders. That was a really great experience. I really felt the Lord strengthen me and the choir as we were singing "Joseph Smith's First Prayer."
While I was doing that Elder Wagstaff was with Elder Gonzalez and they were doing missionary work in our areas. At one point while they were traveling they saw a group of teenagers. Teenagers usually aren't very friendly and usually tell any missionary's the saying  "Smoke meth, hail satan" (I don't understand it either. Kids these days ;D). As they came closer they saw that they were smoking and that there was a young woman who was indecent. As soon as they discerned what was going on, Elder Wagstaff turned right around and started to walk in the other direction.
That is such a great modern day example to me right there of a disciple of Christ doing as Joseph of Egypt did and turning tail to temptation and sin and running the other direction. Even when the teenagers started to yell "come back!" they still didn't even turn around. The world is really crazy. Please choose good friends.
A mission is a really great experience wherever you serve. Its personalized to you and the goal is really to change and put yourself on the path of helping to become a progressing disciple, constantly striving to become more like Christ.
Love you all so much. Thanks for your support and love!

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