"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, June 1, 2015

Season 3: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 7: Remembering What God Had Done

I have been working on this email for a while where I have been restarting and rethinking what I will do lots and lots of times, so now I am just going to go for it and leave what I type out.
Its easy to get discourages and downtrodden if all you have is a momentary perspective. When you have an eternal perspective and remember what things have happened in the past and look foreword to what comes in the future things get a lot easier and you make a lot more right choices.
Specifically for me, right now contacting and talking to people is getting tough because we are facing rejection and no acceptance of our invitation to learn more about the restored gospel. That is the problem or scenario that is happening now. We are trying to find people to teach and to further the progress in our wards, especially Glacier Park. That is what we are currently faced with.
Now it would be really easy for me and Elder Wagstaff to give up and quit saying "it is a hard thing that has been asked of us." But as Elder Wagstaff and I keep more of an eternal perspective and remember what great things we have been blessed with in the past, we can show our faith and continue pressing foreword.
There is a great video on this of keeping a good perspective. Elder Holland shares the main experience. It is called "Good things to come." I would encourage you to watch it.
I know that there has been great blessings and things in the past that we have received. We know that there will be more of that in the future, and during this dry time now we can only continue forward with faith.
I am out of time. Sorry I wasn't able to share a lot. Have a great week. Toll next time!
Elder Sumsion

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