"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, June 15, 2015

Season 3: Glacier Wilderness. Episode 9:#Miracles

Elder Wagstaff and I on Sunday wearing our sweet awesome ties! One of the coolest parts about them is that we made them :D
Super so many great awesome good fantastic awesome wonderful blessings of fantastic-ness!
Before all that,
some members showed us this awesome family search website thing called relativefinder.org.
It is super duper cool! You can see your relationship with various famous peoples or others (depending on how filled out your family history is)! You can also see your relationships with friends if you are in the same group with each other.
For example Elder Wagstaff and I are 7th cousins! You should all check it out. I checked with my mission president so it as at least approved in the Washington Federal Way mission.
The website is called again
If you want to join a group I created so we can see what relationship we are and with others who join it,
1)go and log into the website (just with your family search or member login0
2)click on groups on the top and choose join
3)search Group 47
4)the password is 123456
5)click on the option that will no be on the left and there you are!
Super cool! Back to our Sponsor.
 So many miracles in finding people to teach this week!
Our mission president had us a reevaluate some goals we set at the beginning of the year of how much of certain things we wanted to do. As I revised my goals I thought that I would lower them because I am serving in an area that isn't as busy as Clark Lake was, but as I did that I saw and recognized that I could do it so I actually made my goals a little bit bigger.
The best way to find new investigators is when members find them for us. At least in our mission the averages show that 1 out of every 16 people we contact in the street or tract into or etc. get baptized. But for members that refer us someone to teach, we find that 1 out of every 2 of them get baptized! That is a very big difference, so the best way to find those who are going to make covenants and endure to the end is through the members. That's only one reason why members are supposed to find people, and missionaries are primarily supposed to teach.
One of my new goals is to receive a member referral and to teach them every week! That way more and more people who will actually progress are found. This week I met that goal. On Monday Elder Wagstaff and I were blessed to meet with members who invited many people to meet with the missionaries! We left that members house with two different appointments to teach to different peoples :D
This week in total we were blessed to find 2 new investigators! One of them was a member referral, Em, and the other is a potential who called us back, Alex.
Here is a little bit about both of them.
Em: We went by on Tuesday and taught Em, not a lesson (this means instead of teaching like "missionary robots," we focused what we talked about to her needs and her personal understanding). Em is about 20 years old and is friends with the members son is currently serving a mission. She was raised Atheist, but recently become Christian 2 years ago. She still hasn't gotten baptized, which we invited her to do and she didn't accept which is totally alright. She is very intelligent and expressed some sincere honest concerns such as she didn't know that we had the priesthood authority from God, but she still is wanting to learn. Those concerns are good to have because it shows she actually is thinking about and learning from what the spirit is teaching her. We are going back tomorrow.
Alex: He called us back after two weeks of when we first met him and asked us to come back by, which we did on Saturday. He just graduated from High School last Thursday (just so you know, here in Washington this week on the 17th is the last day of school.). He is so intelligent and very analytical. Maybe one of the most analytical I have met and talked with. We shared the restoration, but before we could even begin he gave pretty much a 1 minute summary of everything we were going to talk about (because he did some research before we came). It was amazing how clearly he understood and understand things. He is just very very intelligent. We invited him to be baptized as well and its something he is considering, but wont commit to a date because he doesn't know everything that it implies which is understandable. We are going back tomorrow as well to share The Book of Mormon with him. Just another note and miracle about Alex is that he is in the Glacier Park ward. Elder Wagstaff and I are pretty sure he is the first new investigator in that ward in 6 months.
I am so excited for this week! Its going to be fantastic! We have so many things set up! Like our planners are full until Friday which is a first in this area!
Love you all so much!
Thanks for the prayers!
Elder Sumsion

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