"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Season 8: Glacier Park/Lake Wilderness. Episode 6: The Glacier Wilderness Finale

This was just before Tatiana's and Andrei's baptism! Andrei is the one in the front, then Tatiana, then Brother and Sister Gustin behind them.

This is the District that I was over this transfer. Starting from the left is Elder Lowry and Elder Drake (Lake Lucerne Ward), Elder Sumsion and Elder Jackson, Sister Orr, Sister Loeak, Sister Stewart, and Sister Davis. (Sister Orr and Stewart are over the Rock Creek and Green Valley YSA Wards. Sister Davis and Loeak are over the Cedar River Ward.)

Every week for the time that I have been here, we have gone and played basketball together most mornings. Starting on left by heads, Elder Lowry, Elder Green, Elder Drake, Elder Sumsion, Elder Jackson, and then Elder Moon. (You cant get that thumb down, eh?)
Howdy!  There is a lot of news/changes going on! I will do my best to update you.
Andrei's and Tatiana's baptism and confirmation happened on Sunday! It was so wonderful. I am so grateful for that opportunity to help facilitate the spirit in helping with their conversion to the gospel. She is definitely set for going to the temple in a year. I am so excited to see their progress. Also we found out that her husband is actually a less-active member so in a year they could all be sealed together as well which would be so amazing and the best! Families being sealed together forever for time and all eternity is an essential step for them receiving a fullness of eternal life. We are getting her connected up with family history and she should be going to the temple soon to do baptisms.
I found out that I am being transferred today. I am going to be leaving Maple Valley after about 7 months of being here. It has been a wonderful growth opportunity for me and I have grown so much as I have been here with my different companions. Elder Jackson is staying here and his new companion will be Elder Davis. They are going to be doing great things and baptizing!
I am going to be transferred to Puyallup (pronounced pew-all-up) into the North Tapps ward. My companion is going to be Elder Nelson! He was my companion in the MTC! We are going to be Zone Leaders together just like in the MTC! I am very excited for the opportunity to serve with him again and as well to serve as a Zone Leader. Because of that my limited amount of free time has been minimized even more so that is going to be good to learn how to cope with. I am super excited for this transfer, it is going to be so fantastic! A lot of interesting things will be happening, and after I leave this next area I will be able to say "I did the Puyallup!"
As for other updates in such, Derek did not come to church. We had an appointment on Tuesday, but he was sick so rescheduled. He was asleep for our rescheduled appointment, so we dropped by on Saturday and we were able to talk to him. We invited him to come to the baptism and to come to church, but he chooses not to. He is such an interesting person! He knows that reading the scriptures, coming to church, giving up alcohol, and other stuff will benefit him greatly, but he chooses not to do it. Its almost like you are riding a donkey and instead of taking the bullet train that takes you straight to where you want to go very fast, he chooses to continue riding it through the dark forest maze where he could potentially get lost and die.
I look at that and the answer to all of his problems seem so easy and obvious, but it may not be to him. Perhaps he is scared of something else that we don't know about. We will do our best to help him progress to follow Christ!
I got to go, but I love you so much!
Elder Sumsion

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