"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, November 23, 2015

Season 9: North Tapps. Episode 2:Being Busy.

The Lake behind me is part of Lake Tapps and in the background is Mount Rainier. Pictures dont really give you the full depth of field for it. This is probably the best one I got of it so far though. This picture was taken in North Lake Tapps park.

This is Elder Nelson! We went on exchanges! He is from Canada and lives about 3 hours from the mission. He is a great missionary and we sung a lot on exchanges.

As a missionary your free time is already pretty limited, but it gets even more limited when you are serving in leadership. Now leadership isn't something that rises you above others, it simply gives you more opportunities to serve and sacrifice. That requires time, but you are blessed for the sacrifice.

I don't have much time today. Sorry about that! 

We went on what we call a "blits" this week with the Elders in Clarks Creek Ward. We spent about 2 hours and 30 minutes with them. I went with Elder Meyer while Elder Nelson went with Elder Chance and we both worked in their area/ward. This was Elder Meyer's second week of being in the mission and it was great to learn from him. He is great at being very personable and "real" with everyone that he talked to. At the very beginning of it we couldn't find the house we were looking for, so we walked around for a little bit longer and an amazing experience happened! 

While we were getting into the car a Hispanic man pulled up next to us in a car and asked "Are you the missionaries?" We responded affirmative and he pulled over, then we started talking. His name was Oscar and he said that he got baptized 6 years ago and hasn't gone to church for a little while, but that he wants to come back to church and for his daughter to get baptized! It was so cool to have something like that happen where we could be in the right place at the right time! Heavenly Father will certainly direct your paths if you are trying to do what He asks!

That"s all I have time for.
Have a great week!
Elder Sumsion

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