"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." -2 Timothy 1:7-8

Monday, November 30, 2015

Season 9:North Tapps. Episode 3: Gratefulness.

This was at the Thanksgiving activities. On the left side to the right we have me, Elder Raps (who is currently serving in Glacier Park/Lake Wilderness), Elder Moon, Elder Patchet, Elder Ryan Nelson, and Elder Nelson my companion. We were at one point playing a card game called "Exploding Kittens."

I had an adventure this week and I made steak. It was a exciting experience! I had never really done something like it, just mainly watched my mom do it. They turned out pretty great. 

This is Lake Tapps on thanksgiving morning while we were driving to the activities.

Sorry I don't have tons of time again for this email. This week we found 2 new investigators and got them committed to baptism on December 26th. We aren't sure of their commitment thought because one of them, Wyatt, said he would come to a baptismal service and to church, but didn't make it to either. They are both YSA age so eventually we will transfer them to those Elders (which is my trainer and my missionary brother :)).

We are still trying to have another lesson with Martha and Aida and are working with them. She gets pretty busy so its tough to schedule things.

On Thanksgiving we were able to gather as a half of a mission and play some games. There was Basketball, Volleyball, board games, and a couple of other things going on. It was for 3 hours and its the only time in the year where we get to do something like that. It was really fun to play board games! I really do love to play them and to be with other people.

My simple invitation to you is to not only express your thanks to other people on Thanksgiving, but to do it every day of the year! Most importantly express your thanks to God. Just as Elder Bednar invites us have prayers with Heavenly Father where we thank Him, I invite you to do the same. Have a prayer and only express gratitude to Him, and then afterwards record what you are thankful for and His tender mercies in your journal! It will help you be happier and more grateful for what you have
Elder Sumsion

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